
[13.02.2025] Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienst von April bis Mai 2025 in Spanien

Dieser ESK-geförderte Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienst in Sevilla, Spanien, sucht Freiwillige, um ein Festival auf die Beine zu stellen.

Mehr Infos dazu findest du unten und unter diesem Link.


Dear friends,

I’m reaching out to ask for your support in spreading the word about an exciting 1 month ESC volunteering opportunity in Spain: Rurality Art Fest, taking place from April 22 to May 19, 2025, in the Sierra Sur de Sevilla.

This project, co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), will bring together 17 young volunteers from across Europe to co-design a rural arts festival, developing skills in event planning, community engagement, communication, and artistic curation. Participants will also experience a digital detox week to foster creativity and deeper human connections.

Who Are We Looking For?

  • Young people aged 18-30, legally residing in an EU country
  • Particularly those facing fewer opportunities
  • Individuals passionate about rural development, arts, and culture
  • Open-minded, motivated, and ready to spend a month in a rural area

How Can You Help?

We would be incredibly grateful if you could:
Share this opportunity with your network, organizations, and potential participants
Post about it on your social media or website
Forward this email to anyone who might be interested

📌 More info & application: Rurality Art Fest Infopack

Your help in reaching the right young people would make a huge difference. Let’s work together to empower youth through this unique experience!

Thank you for your support, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Merche Moriana



Pedro Muñoz Rodríguez
Eurodesk Intercambia - Malaga

Eurodesk website

Avda Arroyo de los Angeles 50

[23.01.2025] Freiwilligendienststelle in ungarischem Kindergarten ab März oder April

Falls du Lust hast auf einen ca. halbjährigen Freiwilligendienst in Ungarn, kannst du dich ab sofort bewerben. Gesucht werden insgesamt drei Freiwillige für die Arbeit in einem Kindergarten. Ferner können weitere Arbeitsbereiche des Trägers kennengelernt werden, darunter auch internationale Projekte.

Mehr Infos findest du unten.



Dear Eurodesk Friends,
We are looking for ESC volunteers for this project.
We are a Hungarian youth organization who coordinate a German speaking kindergarten (there are 3 volunteers from Germany) and another kindergarten in Nemesvámos. In addition, our association has three international volunteers in Magyaralmás. (There are Estonian, Romanian and French volunteers.) The volunteers organize many joint programs together.

We are searching for 3 volunteers to be a part of that kindergarten in Nemesvámos for 21 weeks from the middle March / beginning April of 2025 and he/she can part our international work too. Besides working in the kindergarten, you have the possibility to join other international and national (Hungarian) programs as well, like youth exchanges, training courses in Erasmus+ program etc...
A Spanish boy, an Italian girl and a Portuguese girl are currently working in the kindergarten.
In attached you can find the infopack of the project and a lot of details from our organization.

You can find our association on Facebook:



Application form:
If you have any other questions feel free to ask!🥰
Warm regards, Ági
[23.01.2025] ESK-Freiwilligendienst ab sofort in Pécsvárad, Ungarn

Solltest du dich spontan auf ein Freiwilligenabenteuer einlassen wollen und dafür gerade die Zeit haben, könnte dich diese Suche interessieren:

Eine ungarische Jugendorganisation sucht eine Freiwillige / einen Freiwilligen ab sofort bis Juli 2025. Die Europäische Union fördert das Programm und deckt damit alle Kosten für dich.

Mehr Infos findest du hier.

[22.01.2025] Jugendorganisation in öffentlicher Hand und ländlicher Gegend für CERV-Städtenetzwerkprojekt gesucht

Die spanische Organisation "Building Bridges Association" sucht eine Jugendorganisation in ländlicher Gegend für ein europäisches CERV-Projekt.

Weitere Informationen sowie Kontaktdaten folgen unten.


Brief description of the project:

The project aims to reinforce the fundamental values of the European Union and combat disaffection towards its institutions by empowering youth in rural areas through knowledge and active engagement with the participation opportunities offered by the EU. To achieve this, a network of municipal youth technicians/officers acting as a direct link between local youth and EU institutions. This will enhance their capacity to act in key areas such as active citizenship, democratic participation, employment, education, and entrepreneurship. By fostering collaboration among youth, municipal technicians, and political leaders, the project will ensure that voices of young people are integrated into local decision-making processes and aligned with EU values and priorities.

Desired Partner profile:

- Public organisation (Town/Regional Government) in charge of a Youth Information Centre/Youth Information Service
- Based in a rural community
- With a specific contact with the target group (adults with fewer opportunities)
- With, at least, 2 years of experience providing face to face training activities and also online training activities
- Able to arrange at least 2 workshops in your local community, engaging people and stakeholders.
- Able to take part with, at least, 2 staff members during the whole duration of the project lifecycle (24 months)
- Fluent in english, good communication skills and use of Google Drive and Gmail.
- Able to reply to emails of the coordinator in less than 72 hours.
- Willing to work in reciprocal basis

Contact Person:
Enrique Gallardo,


[09.01.2025] ESK-Freiwilligendienst auf Teneriffa ab April 2025
Eine Organisation, die im Bereich der nicht-formalen Bildung für Jugendliche tätig ist, sucht eine Freiwillige oder einen Freiwilligen ab April 2025. Bewerben kannst du dich noch bis zum 25. Januar.
Mehr Infos hier und unten.
Hello everyone,
Mojo de Caña is a social association in the Canary Islands, and we are searching for a long-term volunteer in our Tenerife-branch. Volunteers will assist with non-formal education activities with kids, elderly, people in risk of social exclusion, and helping out in the office.
Dates: 01/04/2025 - 31/03/2026
Deadline to apply: 25/01/2025
If you know some interested people, they can find more info about the project and how to apply on our website (ESC at Mojo de Caña) and the ESC-platform (
Kind regards,


Asociación Mojo de Caña
Eurodesk España

tel: +34 928 98 30 34
Calle Corrientes, 11 (2ª Planta)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35008
[10.12.2024] Praktikumsgesuch für zwei angehende Landwirte aus Frankreich

Zwei Auszubildende im Bereich Landwirtschaft suchen nach einer Möglichkeit, Arbeitserfahrungen in Deutschland zu machen. Bevorzugt werden Rinderzuchtbetriebe.

Das Praktikum sollte vom 31. März bis zum 13. April 2025 gehen.





Two students from the Agricultural Campus in Normandy came to see us in our offices. They are training to become farmers and are looking for a work placement on a farm, particularly a beef farm in Germany. The internship will run from 31 March 2025 to 13 April 2025.


Do you know any farmers who would be interested in hosting two young people on work experience? Do you have any contacts we could give the young people to help them in their search?


Have a good day,


Cléo MARIN (Chargée de mission EUROPE)

CREAN (Carrefour Rural Européen des Acteurs Normands)
Centre régional d'information sur l'Union européenne - EUROPE DIRECT Normandie
LinkedIn Facebook Instagram X

Les Champs de Tracy, Route de Caen - F - 14500 VIRE NORMANDIE
Tél : +33 (0)2 31 66 18 30 / 07 64 20 23 47 - E-mail : -

[04.12.2024] Sechs freie ESK-Plätze für sechsmonatigen Freiwilligendienst in Bulgarien

Eine bulgarische Organisation sucht insgesamt sechs Freiwillige. Bewerben kann man sich bis Ende Januar 2025.

Weitere Informationen gibt es unten sowie hier.


Dear Partners,


We want to share with you an ESC Long term Volunteering in Bulgaria.


“Rural Future  - NATURE COMMUNITY EDUCATION” includes shared responsibilities, communal living, and collaboration on various local initiatives. Participants engage in activities that support the local community, develop practical skills, and experience a community-focused lifestyle.


We are looking for 6 Volunteers for 6 Months in 2025.

Deadline for applying is the 31th of January.


You can find the Infopack attached at the end and the application form is at the last slide.


We would be grateful if you could share this information in your network. If you have any questions or need further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If there is a suitable applicant, we would like to partner up.


Thank you for your support.


Best Regards,


Franka Gerner

Smokinya Foundation




Contributing to a world that works for everyone, out of love, care and cooperation.


Smokinya has a Quality label for Lead organisation in ESC till 2027.

We are Erasmus+ accredited in the field of youth till 2027.

We are also an Eurodesk multiplier.

[28.11.2024] Ungarische Organisation sucht zwei musik- und kunstbegeisterte Freiwillige

Ab März 2025 hast du die Möglichkeit, für fünf Monate einen ESK-Freiwilligendienst in Szeged, Ungarn, zu absolvieren. Falls du die Arbeit mit jungen und älteren Menschen schätzt und dich gerne musikalisch/künstlerisch einbringst, bist du genau der/die Richtige.

Weitere Informationen findest du unten und in diesem PDF.


Dear Partners,

We're looking for 2 volunteers to join our upcoming project starting on 3rd March 2025. The volunteer opportunity lasts 5 months, until 31st July 2024 and will take place in Szeged, Hungary. We would like to ask for your help to reach youngsters worldwide.

We're on the lookout for enthusiastic young individuals who can sing or play an instrument, or who likes dancing. It’s also positive if they like working with children in schools and kindergartens, spending time with people with disabilities and elderly, organizing a summer camp and promoting volunteering. All the other details you can find in the infokit attached below.

We really appreciate your help.  In case you find youngsters who would be interested , please redirect them to me or share with me their CV and/or motivation letter until the 12th of January. (In the infokit the deadline is until 1st of December, but we extended it.)

For further details, please contact us at

Thank you so much in advance!

Best wishes,

Talentum Alapítvány / Talentum Foundation
Iroda / Office: 6725 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 14.
Skype: evstalentum


[20.11.2024] Sechsmonatiges ESK-Praktikum in Plowdiw, Bulgarien, ab Januar 2025

Eine Jugendorganisation in Bulgarien bietet ab Januar 2025 einen geförderten Freiwilligendienstplatz an. Wenn das für dich interessant klingt, findest du unten den Link mit weiteren Informationen und der Möglichkeit, dich zu bewerben.


Dear Colleagues,
We are looking for 1 volunteer to join us and we are asking for your help to promote the project (on your social media, channels, etc.). Preferable dates are January-June 2025, but could do ASAP, 6 full months.
If you have proposal for suitable volunteer and we select him/her, we'll ask you to be their Supporting Organisation.

For promotion you can find:
Info pack : LINK
Application form: LINK
1 horizontal and 1 square photo attached
For partners to learn more:
Volunteering Agreement: LINK
We would really appreciate your help in sharing the call!
Thank you and best regards from Plovdiv, Bulgaria,

Contributing to a world that works for everyone, out of love, care and cooperation.
[11.11.2024] Organisation in Taurisano, Süd-Italien, sucht eine Freiwillige ab Januar 2025

Eine Organisation in Süd-Italien sucht ab Januar 2025 eine junge Frau als Freiwillige für diverse Aktivitäten für Jung und Alt. Italienisch- und Spanischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.

Mehr Informationen findest du unten und in diesem PDF-Dokument.


Dear colleagues,

Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa APS is excited to announce an opportunity for a long-term (6 to 12 months) volunteering project, starting from January 2025, for a young woman aged 18–30 from one of the ESC program countries.

🚀 Proficiency in Spanish and a basic knowledge of Italian are not mandatory but will be considered an advantage, considering the target groups the organization works with.

👉  Please find the InfoPack attached.

📨  Interested candidates should send an email with their CV and cover letter to:

Kind regards,

Mr. Evangelista LEUZZI
Address: Via Spagna n. 21 - Taurisano (ITALY) 73056
IG: @fattoriapugliesediffusa; FB: @fattoriapugliesediffusa
[11.11.2024] Jugendorganisation in Rumänien vergibt fünf Freiwilligenplätze ab März 2025
Eine rumänische Jugendorganisation sucht insgesamt fünf Freiwillige für einen ESK-Freiwilligendienst ab März 2025. Die Themenschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Interkulturalität, Digitalisierung sowie Umweltschutz und Bildung.
Weitere Informationen findet ihr unten sowie unter diesem Link.
Hello all,

I represent Team for Youth Association.
We are an NGO based in Romania, primarily working with ESC projects.
We have now the open position starting mid March 2025: Year 4: Volunteer in Romania - Team For Youth Association (Under our current quality label).
The 3 themes are: interculturality and support, digitalization and tools and environment protection and education.
We are looking for 5 volunteers with flexible duration of mobilities.

Starting next months we will be gathering candidates primarily from the EU for this next project.

The volunteers can apply directly as you as support organisations.
We would be super happy if you can spread the call to you inner areas or groups.

Thank you!
POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier
facebook: Pop.r.flavius
2B Garibaldi 430154, Baia Mare, Romania
[14.10.2024] Zwei Freiwilligenplätze in Conversano, Italien, ab November 2024

Wenn du Lust auf internationale Jugendarbeit hast und inhaltlich gerne zu den Themen Jugendpartizipation, Umweltschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung arbeitest, könnte dieser Freiwilligendienst das Richtige für dich sein. Insgesamt vergibt die Organisation zwei Plätze in Conversano, Italien. Bewerben kann man sich bis zum 20. Oktober 2024.

Mehr Informationen findest du unten sowie unter diesem Link.


Dear Network,
We are pleased to share an exciting opportunity from a local NGO for the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program:

Do you want to volunteer inside an NGO who does big things every day? Are you interested in green innovation, in 3D printing, in hands-on activities to help our planet? Are you a creative person and do you like to share your skills with others? This is the ESC long term project for you!!
Duration: 9 months
Start: the beginning of November 2024,
Place: Conversano (Italy) c/o APS VENTI DI SCAMBIO.
For more details, please refer to the attached call. We kindly ask you to spread the word within your networks. If you need further information, feel free to reach out to Venti di Scambio <> or Eurodesk Capurso <>
Thank you for your collaboration!
Best regards,

Lisa Consalvo
Agenzia Eurodesk Capurso
SaperSpace, via Cellamare 15/A
Orari di apertura
- martedì ore 16:00 - 18:00
- venerdì ore 16:00 - 18:00
whatsapp: 331 230 7269
[09.10.2024] Viele Freiwilligendienstplätze für 2025 in Italien

Die Organisation InformaGiovani ETS bietet in Italiene verschiedene Plätze im Freiwilligendienst Europäisches Solidaritätskorps für das Jahr 2025 an. Die Programmdauer varriert zwischen sechs und acht Monaten und umfasst Themenbereiche von sozialer Arbeit bis Umweltschutz.

Acht Monate Organisationsarbeit bei InformaGiovani

Acht Monate Arbeit mit Kindern in Palermo

Sieben Monate Volunteering mit Kindern in der Flüchtlingshilfe

Sieben Monate Arbeit im Jugendklub

Sechs Monate Volunteering in einem Ökodorf



[04.10.2024] Drei Freiwilligenplätze frei im Bereich "Migration und Integration" in Málaga, Spanien

Eine Organisation in Málaga sucht drei engagierte Freiwillige zur Mitarbeit mit und für Migrant*innen. Weitere Informationen findest du unter folgendem Link:



We inform you that we are looking for 3 motivated ECS volunteers for Asociación Marroqui (Para La Integración De Los Inmigrantes).

  • Location: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 01/10/2024
  • End: 30/08/2025
  • Duration: 8 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply:  AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
  • This call is open to EU +NEIGHBOUR COUNTRIES

We will only consider application forms of responsible, motivated, and passionate candidates!

[25.09.2024] Türkische Organisation sucht Partner für Volunteer-Projekt

Im Rahmen von KA152 sucht Eurodesk Irtibat Kisisi Partner für das Projekt Solidarity in Crisis: Strengthening the Future with Young Volunteers.


To develop young people's volunteering awareness in times of war, disaster and crisis and to equip them with the competencies to contribute effectively in such situations. The project aims to strengthen young people's solidarity, community participation and leadership skills in times of crisis, and to ensure their active participation in volunteering.


[20.09.2024] Volunteer-Plätze in Malaga

Die Organisation Intercambia bietet in der südspanischen Metropole Malaga verschiedene Plätze für ESC-Freiwilligendienst an, unter anderem in der Arbeit mit Jugendlichen.

Mehr Infos:
+34 646 98 18 06
Instagram: @torcalavvel
Twitter: @aveltorcal
Facebook: Asociación de Vecinos El Torcal
C. Niño de Gloria, 8, 29003 Málaga

[18.09.2024] Ein Jahr ESC in Spanien

Die Organisation FAAM im spanischen Almeria vergibt zwei ESC-Plätze für einen einjährigen Freiwilligendienst ab Oktober.



[17.09.2024] Deutsche Partnerschule für italienisches Projekt gesucht

Im Rahmen von KA120 sucht eine italienische Mittelschule aus Prato eine deutsche Schule mit Schülern im Alter zwischen 11 und 14 Jahren für gemeinsame Aktivitäten.



Antenna Eurodesk
Comune di Prato

Piazza dei Macelli, 4 (Prato)

[16.09.2024] Jugendaustausch in Danzig Ende September

Das Projekt Akademia #bettertogether hat begonnen. Der deutsch-polnische Jugendaustausch findet vom 26. bis 29. September 2024 in Danzig statt.

Wir sind auf der Suche nach Teilnehmern aus Deutschland im Alter von 20 bis 35 Jahren, die gesellschaftlich engagiert sind, gerne mit Jugendlichen arbeiten und Interesse an Geschichte, Kultur sowie am internationalen Dialog haben und die Stadt Danzig erkunden möchten. Das Projekt bietet eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu erweitern, die internationale Zusammenarbeit zu stärken, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und an inspirierenden Workshops teilzunehmen.

Im Rahmen des Projekts werden die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit haben, mit jungen Vertretern der deutschen Minderheit (im Alter von 20 bis 35 Jahren) in Polen zusammenzuarbeiten und sich gemeinsam mit wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Themen auseinanderzusetzen. Die Organisatoren stellen das Programm, die Unterkunft und die Verpflegung bereit – die Teilnehmer tragen lediglich die Reisekosten nach Danzig.

Mehr Infos:


[12.09.2024] Spanisches Jugendprojekt sucht Partner im Bereich Jugendrechte








Our proposal is focused on youth. People between 12 and 22 years of old.

Mazarrón believes the importance of work with youth on road education items for many reasons, the most important are:


  1. Understanding of consequences of their actions.
  2. Increasing activities of independent mobility.
  3. Peer and social network influence.
  4. Early road education needs and foster responsibility.
  5. Youth vulnerability.


BACKGROUND: Our proposal intends to cooperate with experienced European partners in the road education field to increase road education knowledge and awareness among youth.


The proposal of Council of Mazarrón has three goals among the young people.


  1. Increase the knowledge about traffic rules and signals.
  2. Foster safe behaviour on road.
  3. Reduce traffic accidents


To get these goals, Council of Mazarrón would like to carry out activities like these:


  1. Make meetings with experienced European partners in the field of road education to get ideas, know how, advice, learn lessons…
  2. wants to make a digital facility, for instance a mobile application focused on road education for young people.
  3. would like to build a physical infrastructure to support knowledge acquired.


Mazarrón government is looking for experienced partners.

We would prefer to institutional partners, like local cities councils, universities….



Juan Antonio Iborra Lozano

EU Policy Officer

European Projects

  1. G. of European Union Affairs

Regional Ministry for Presidency, Spokeperson, External Affairs and Emergency

Regional Government of Murcia



Tel. 00 34 968 36 61 49


[19.08.2024] Freiwilligendienst in Boarritz, Frankreich

Eine Organisation sucht eine Freiwillige oder einen Freiwilligen für u. a. die Organisation von kulturellen Veranstaltungen in Biarritz, Frankreich.

Du solltest am besten schon Grundkenntnisse in Französisch haben. Mehr Informationen findest du unten.


Dear All,

Our EUROPE DIRECT host organisation, Pistes Solidaires, coordinates local European Solidarity Corps missions.

We are looking for European Solidarity Corps volunteers for this mission:

- Cultural activities and support with the local community on the coast in southwest of France - 1 volunteer:

This second mission is based in Biarritz, a city in the French Basque country on the ocean, it would be great if the volunteer could have some knowledge of the French language.

Could you help us spread the word in the hope of finding the ideal candidates for these two assignments?

If you have any further questions (looking for a sending organisation in your country for exemple, etc.), please contact my colleague Florence who is in charge of mobility at Pistes.

Thank you very much for your help,


Best regards,




EDIC of Pau and Pays de l'Adour coordinator

+ 33(0)5 40 03 60 18

    + 33(0)7 54 35 58 23


164 avenue Philippon

64000 PAU


[19.08.2024] Zwei Freiwilligenplätze in Mauléon, Frankreich, für die Arbeit mit Schülern und Schülerinnen

Könntest du dir vorstellen, im Rahmen eines Freiwilligendienstes kreative Projekte für Schüler und Schülerinnen zu organisieren und durchzuführen?

Für deine Bewerbung sind Englisch- oder Spanischkenntnisse von Vorteil. Mehr Informationen findest du unten.


Dear All,

Our EUROPE DIRECT host organisation, Pistes Solidaires, coordinates local European Solidarity Corps missions.

We are looking for European Solidarity Corps volunteers for this mission:

- Non-formal Education in a highschool in the south west of France - 2 volunteers:

This first mission will take place in a town in the south-west called Mauléon, it would be great if the volunteers had some knowledge of English (one) and Spanish (the other), as they will be working with pupils in these two languages.

Could you help us spread the word in the hope of finding the ideal candidates for these two assignments?

If you have any further questions (looking for a sending organisation in your country for exemple, etc.), please contact my colleague Florence who is in charge of mobility at Pistes.

Thank you very much for your help,


Best regards,




EDIC of Pau and Pays de l'Adour coordinator

+ 33(0)5 40 03 60 18

    + 33(0)7 54 35 58 23


164 avenue Philippon

64000 PAU


[12.08.2024] Drei Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienste auf Sizilien im September und Oktober 2024

Drei Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienste warten auf Bewerber und Bewerberinnen, die Lust haben, den Sommer mit einem Sizilien-Aufenthalt zu verlängern und sich dabei in gemeinnützigen Projekten zu engagieren. Mehr Informationen dazu erhältst du unten.


Associazione InformaGiovani
Late summer and early autumn camps in Italy with EU financial support

For these projects, the minimum age is 18 and the maximum age is 30.


1. Living in Nature ESC011


From 2 to 17 September in Limina in eastern Sicily to support the development of an organic farm and permaculture

More information:


2. Interculturalism in the countryside ESC031


From 23 September to 8 October in the province of Caltanissetta in Sicily, urban regeneration activities in a small town

More information:


3. Theatre for inclusion ESC032

From 1 to 16 October in Palermo, international volunteers together with young blind and visually impaired people perform theatre activities and support social centres in the city.

More information:


Fill the application form.

For information, you can write to

[10.08.2024] Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienst in der Türkei ab September 2024

🎯 Project Duration: 59 days
📅 Start Date: September 1, 2024
📍 Number of Volunteers: 6

Within the scope of the European Solidarity Program, we are looking for short-term volunteers for 59 days for our project that will start on September 1, 2024.

Application Requirements:

Applications must be made by August 15, 2024.
Detailed Information and Application:

For more information about the project and the application, please click [ ].

Don't Miss the Opportunities, Apply Now!
Abdusselam YILMAZ
Eurodesk İrtibat Kişisi
Cedid Derneği
TEL :+09 542 781 13 95
veysel karani mahallesi sanayi sitesi 1994/3 Sok :25 Siirt-Turkey 
[02.08.2024] Kindergarten in Ungarn bietet Freiwilligendienst ab September 2024

In Debrecen, Ungarn, wartet bereits ab September 2024 ein Freiwilligendienstplatz in einem Kindergarten auf dich, falls dir die Arbeit mit Kindern Spaß macht.

Mehr Informationen findest du unter dem Link unten.


Dear Partners!

Our local partner is looking for volunteers for long term periods in Debrecen, Hungary. They are recruiting now in August, possible arriving dates in September.
Location: Kindergartens, Debrecen Zoo, Világjáró Önkéntes (NGO).
Duration: 6- 12 months shifts.
A few details about the programme:

Thanks to the series of the Világjáró Önkéntes Nonprofit Ltd , Future Kindergartens of Europe, our volunteers can help in different kindergartens in Debrecen. In these places, we mostly supervise the children and support the kindergarten teachers in many tasks. Sometimes our volunteers also get an insight into the garden and kitchen work. The organisation also provides financial and cultural support to young people. One of the most attractive cultural events is the Campus Festival, where volunteers can help a number of our partners and gain an insight into the work and life of local NGOs. As well as providing useful volunteering opportunities and making a real difference to the local community, these cultural events are a great opportunity to make new friends and build lifelong relationships and develop personal skills.

More information:

If you are interested about the ESC Programme please send your CV and motivation letter:
Thanks to spread the information
Imre Enyedi
Eurodesk Regional Coordinator - North Great Plain region
Debreceni Ifjúsági Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.
- Debrecen Youth Service -
Cím: 4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 21.
Információ: +36 52 415 498; Fax: +36 52 532 670
Skype: enyedi.imre
[02.08.2024] Sechsmonatiger Freiwilligendienst in Kielce, Polen, ab Oktober 2024

Bist du noch auf der Suche nach einem geförderten Freiwilligendienst ab Herbst 2024? Vor allem für diejenigen, die kein ganzes Jahr im Ausland verbringen möchten, könnte diese freie Stelle interessant sein.

Für mehr Informationen, siehe den Link unten.


Dear partners,

we would like to thank you sincerely for your cooperation and we are sending you an infopack about our new long-term ECS volunteer service.
If you have any volunteers for us then please feel free to contact us or pass the information on.

We are recruiting until mid-August.
You can find more details at this link:

[30.07.2024] ESK-Freiwilligendienst im Bereich Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Malaga, Spanien, ab September 2024

Falls Kinder- und Jugendarbeit etwas für dich ist und du auch Lust hast, eine Zeit lang in Spanien zu leben, dann schau dir diesen spannenden Aufruf für eine ESK-Freiwilligenstelle in Malaga genauer an. Unten findest du auch den Link für weitere Informationen.


You will be part of the Childhood, Youth and Family area of Arrabal-AID. We promote the development of the little ones to guarantee them solid references for their future and an optimal level of well-being that favors their growth and training, through: - Educational reinforcement and school equipment. - Family educational workshops. - Psychological Support. - Commemoration of international days. - Cultural outings around the city. The project takes place from Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., as well as two mornings which are used for planning, developing materials, registration, etc.


Participants will stay in a single room. The rest of the stays will be shared with other participants of the European Solidarity Corps. Subsistence and transportation will be subsidized according to the rules of the European Solidarity Corps. Participants can walk from the accommodation to the activity point. If there is a need for transportation to carry out an activity, the organization will provide it. Round trip transportation to the country of origin will be covered according to the European Solidarity Corps rules regarding mileage.


In our entity we teach Spanish workshops, which the participant can join once the workshop begins. You will learn online and offline techniques and tools from childhood and family experts. You will attend seminars and events related to the topic of your project.


Person motivated to work with minors and young people, with energy and a proactive attitude. That proposes novel activities for minors, away from screens. Patient and empathetic, since we work with vulnerable groups who need an understanding person for their support. It is not necessary to know Spanish, but we value the attitude that you want to learn during your stay. Working with children is the best way to learn.



[30.07.2024] Freie Stellen für ESK-Freiwilligendienste in polnischer Jugendorganisation ab Ende August 2024

Eine Jugendorganisation in Rzeszów (Polen) sucht Langzeit-Freiwillige, die bereits ab Ende August 2024 Lust haben, Jugendevents, Workshops und mehr mitzuorganisieren.

Mehr Informationen findest du unten verlinkt.


Dear Colleagues,
We are searching for long-term ESC volunteers to work with us at INPRO from August 24th, 2024, until July 20th, 2025.
The volunteers at INPRO play a vital role in assisting with workshops, organizing events, promoting activities, and maintaining office and hostel spaces, offering a unique chance to immerse themselves in Polish life and engage with local youth.
We are particularly searching for candidates from the EU and partnering countries who do not need a visa to enter Poland. For more information about our organization and projects, please find an infopack attached to this email.

Here's the opportunity posted on the European Youth Portal:

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

Best regards,
[24.07.2024] Dreiwöchiges Workcamp in Bulgarien im September 2024

Hast du Lust, mit anderen jungen Menschen aus Europa verschiedene (handwerkliche) Projekte in einem kleinen Dorf in Bulgarien voranzubringen? Dann bewirb dich für dieses Workcamp.

Mehr Informationen findest du unten verlinkt.


Dear partners,

We would like to ask your support to promote a 3-week rural camp in Bulgaria.
2-24 Sept 2024
venue: campsite in Mrachenik village
programs: ESC teams (food, travel, accommodation, materials are covered)
Should it be possible, please once you share the info send us a link to your publications (websites, social media etc.).
If anything, write to us!
Thank you very much!
[18.07.2024] Ein Jahr Freiwilligendienst in Tallinn ab sofort

Ein Jugendzentrum in Tallinn bietet einen ESK-Platz in der Jugendarbeit. Dabei werden alle Kosten übernommen und ihr bekommt ein Taschengeld.


[15.07.2024] Acht Monate Freiwilligendienst in Südfrankreich

In der Nähe von Toulouse bietet das Jugenzentrum Montauban einen achtmonatigen ESK-Platz ab Oktober im Bereich Jugendarbeit. Dabei werden alle Kosten übernommen und ihr bekommt ein Taschengeld.

Mehr Infos

[10.07.2024] Verschiedene Plätze für Langzeit-Freiwilligendienste in Spanien

In der Region Murcia gibt es noch freie Plätze für mehrmonatige Freiwilligendienste in verschiedenen Bereichen im Rahmen des Europäischen Solidartitätskorps. Dabei werden alle Kosten übernommen und ihr bekommt ein Taschengeld.

Mehr Infos

[09.07.2024] ESK im Bereich Jugend in Polen

Das Team von Level Up aus dem polnischen Lodz vergibt sechs ESK-Plätze für einen 10-monatigen Freiwilligendienst im Bereich Arbeit mit Jugendlichen. Alle Kosten werden übernommen und du erhälst ein Taschengeld. Bewerbungsfrist: 31. Juli.

Mehr Infos

[04.07.2024] ESK im Bereich Jugend und Social Media in Frankreich

Das Team von La Bulle vergibt einen Platz im ESK-Programm für ein Jahr. Als Volunteer kümmerst du dich unter anderem um Social Media und planst Aktivitäten mit Jugendlich in der Region. Alle Kosten werden übernommen und du erhälst ein Taschengeld. Bewerbungsfrist: 31. Juli.

Mehr Infos

[03.07.2024] In Santander, Spanien, wartet ab September 2024 ein spannender Freiwilligendienst auf dich!

Könntest du dir gut vorstellen, dich im Bereich „Inklusion“ zu engagieren und dabei vielfältige, kreative Methoden kennenzulernen und anzuwenden? Dann wären diese Freiwilligendienste in Spanien etwas für dich!

Weitere Informationen findest du unten und in den angehängten Dokumenten.

Download Infos #1

Download Infos #2


Dear colleagues,

We have open vacancies for two 8-month ESC activities in the field of inclusion and non formal education in Santander (Spain) starting late August/beginning September.
Feel free to share it with your local youth and please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you and best regards 😊,
Asociación Ser Joven
Multiplicador Cualificado Eurodesk
tel: +34 942 21 48 97
C/ Mies del Valle, 5 - entlo. K
39010  Santander




[02.07.2024] Hast du Lust auf einen Freiwilligendienst in Bilbao, Spanien? Ab September könnte es für dich losgehen!

Eine Jugendorganisation in Bilbao sucht von September 2024 bis Juli 2025 vier Freiwillige, die Lust haben auf Aktionen für andere junge Menschen.

Weitere Informationen dazu findest du unten. Bewerben kannst du dich noch bis zum 13. Juli 2024.


Hello from BILBAO!!! 🤗


📣We, KIRIBIL SAREA, are looking for FOUR volunteers from September 2024 to July 2025 (10 months). 📣


Volunteers, you will have the opportunity to work closely with young people in the community and organise new educational programs based on non-formal learning.


📌 4 volunteers


We are looking for dynamic, organised and above all motivated people to work in collaboration with different interest groups and to learn. Previous volunteering experience would be an asset.

🚨Our projects are open for EU countries only.

Please read info pack ℹ️ and send us your application before the 14th of July 2024 !


In case you find it interesting (and willing to promote) I would be happy to support you with any additional information.


Thank you very much! 😉





Eurodesk España

Calle Ronda s/n, 3º planta despacho B
48005, Bilbao, Bizkaia
+34 688 62 59 73

[25.06.2024] Kurzzeit-Freiwilligendienst (Workcamp) in Bulgarien im September 2024

Hast du Lust, dich drei Wochen lang in einem gemeinnützigen Projekt zu engagieren und dabei mit einer internationalen Gruppe von 34 anderen jungen Menschen Zeit zu verbringen? Dann bewirb dich für einen Platz in diesem Workcamp. Er findet statt vom 2. bis 24. September 2024.

Weiter Informationen und den Bewerbungslink findest du unten.


Dear Partners

We at Smokinya are happy to announce that, after the success of our first camp this past few weeks, we are ready to work on our second camp, B.R.I.G.H.T. Future 2.0, happening from the 2nd to the 24th of September 2024.
We ask for your help with the promotion of the project or, if you are in contact with any individuals looking for an opportunity for the end of the summer, please let them know about us.

ℹ️ Details Below ℹ️

🌟 3 weeks Volunteering Camps (35 places): Info Pack: Click Here Application Form: Apply Now

We are open to any question regarding the camp you might have.
Thank you for your time and consideration,

Contributing to a world that works for everyone, out of love, care and cooperation.
[20.06.2024] ESK-Freiwilligenstelle in Graulhet (Frankreich) sucht ab Juli 2024 eine junge Person für das Projekt "Electron Vert"

Hast du Lust auf ein Projekt, das einen ökologischen Wandel herbeiführen will und dabei auf die Mitarbeit junger Menschen setzt? Dann könnte dieser Freiwilligendienst in Graulhet (Frankreich) etwas für dich sein. Mehr Informationen findest hier unter der Projektbeschreibung „Electron Vert“.


Dear Partners,

We are still looking for a volunteer to join us in the field of ecological transition, in our Youth and Cultural Center (MJC).
We are open to welcome everyone who is ready to use green travel
Please find more info in our info pack, the mission is called "Electron Vert", and the application form is in it. The candidates can also contact me on my email:
Thank you so much,
Best regards,

Lucie Lambert


[18.06.2024] ESK-Freiwilligenplatz ab Oktober 2024 im Rathaus in Lannion (Frankreich) zu vergeben
Hast du Lust, andere junge Menschen in der Bretagne zum Thema Auslandsmöglichkeiten zu informieren und für sie Freizeitaktivitäten zu gestalten? Dann wäre der folgende ESK-Freiwilligendienstplatz etwas für dich:
Hi all,
We (the Townhall of Lannion, France) are looking for a volunteer for the period from October 2024 to June 2025 (9 months).
We are offering the mission around the theme of Youth work and promotion of international mobility:
  • organizing workshops about the possibilities to go abroad
  • animations of language cafés (and other meetings) at the local high school (lycée) and university
  • putting in place and co-animating the weekly meeting around the board games, etc
  • a lot of space for individual initiatives!
- Intermediate level of French is recommended (we provide individual language classes for our volunteers). Driving Licence will be a plus.
-The volunteer will live with 3 other ESC volunteers in a renovated shared flat. They will have their own bedroom. Kitchen, living room and bathroom will be shared. Internet connection in the accommodation will be provided.  
-Lunch will be covered by the municipality (at the town’s canteen - it's actually pretty tasty). Other food expenses will be covered by the indemnity allocated to the volunteer.
-An electric bicycle will be offered to the volunteer for a minimum 6 months. If the volunteer has a valid driving licence, there is also a possibility to have a car at theirs disposal.
For more information, please consult the .png in the attachment (in English), or do not hesitate to contact me directly via <> !
Best regards,
Joanna Kolodziejczyk
Youth and International information officer
Youth project advisor
Lannion, Bretagne, France
[12.06.2024] Für Spontane: ESK-Freiwilligendienst in Südfrankreich ab Juli 2024
Falls es bei dir schon direkt losgehen könnte, sucht eine Stelle in Foix, Frankreich, eine*n Freiwillige*n für einen achtmonatigen Dienst ab Juli 2024. U. a. wärst du dafür zuständig, andere junge Menschen zu europäischen (Mobilitäts)Möglichkeiten zu beraten.
Dear Partners,
We are looking for 1 motivated ESC volunteer for a long term project in our organisation, Info Jeunes Foix, which is based in the south of France, thank you for sharing.
  • 🌄 Location : Foix, FRANCE.
  • 📅 Start: August 2024 to April 2025
  • 🕰️ Duration : 8 months
  • 🇪🇺  Theme : youth information, promote european mobility, social media, personnal project...
The call is open to EU and neighboring countries (with a special focus on Spanish candidates because of the geographical and linguistic proximity)
You could find the full description of this ESC opportunity on the attached document.
Best regards,
Denis Cochetel.
ESC Project: “Messanger of youth mobility and youth information in a rural area ”
A friendly, anonymous and accessible place, where every young people ( 11- 30 yers old) can find a multitude
of different informations (local job offers, ressources, services, contacts…). The team also offering support in
setting up individual or collective projects (methodology, funding, partners…). It is a place where the visitors
can have access to modern digital technology, and offers to make new technologies (tools and uses)
accessible to as many people as possible. Youth workers supervise workshops and multimedia projects...
As member of The Info Jeunes network, we have many links with youth orgnaisation through Ariege
We use to inform and lead young people about many subject on different localisations, not only in our local
based on the Pôle Collaboratif de Foix.
General activities, tasks and organization:
Available 8 month in 2024
Motivation, team spirit, curiosity and open-mindedness.
Self-confident and easy communication with kids, adults or people in general.
Taking initiatives and autonomy.
Some basic knowledge of the French language.
Will be a + but not necessary :
Comfortable using online technology: mail, social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…), wordpress.
Basic knowledge of graphic design tools (ex : Canva).
Place for activities : Info Jeunes 09
Place for accommodation = Le Léo de Foix
Bus, bike and train was available for the volunteer to move inside and outside Foix area
With the team, the volunteer will take part in all the activities of the organization with a particular focus on
European information. The activities range from :
• Welcoming the public and the users of our different spaces.
• Documentation, creating newsletters, updating the website and the socials networks…
• Offering participation in all our activities: concert, exhibitions, animation with teenagers,
multimedia project, youth information…
• Participating in local EU information/networking events : exhibition, debate, intervention in
high school
• Sharing your European experiences as a volunteer for a local audience : student, youth workers
• Supporting and informing people about European projects, program Erasmus+, foreign
opportunities, getting in contact…
Profile of the perfect volunteer:
General activities, tasks and organization (as exemple)
Available 8 month in 2024
Motivation, team spirit, curiosity and open-mindedness.
Self-confident and easy communication with kids, adults or people in general.
Taking initiatives and autonomy.
Some basic knowledge of the French language.
Will be a + but not necessary :
Comfortable using online technology: mail, social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…), wordpress.
Basic knowledge of graphic design tools (ex : Canva).
Place for activities : Info Jeunes 09
Place for accommodation = Le Léo de Foix
Bus, bike and train was available for the volunteer to move inside and outside Foix area
With the team, the volunteer will take part in all the activities of the organization with a particular focus on
European information. The activities range from :
• Welcoming the public and the users of our different spaces.
• Documentation, creating newsletters, updating the website and the socials networks…
• Offering participation in all our activities: concert, exhibitions, animation with teenagers,
multimedia project, youth information…
• Participating in local EU information/networking events : exhibition, debate, intervention in
high school
• Sharing your European experiences as a volunteer for a local audience : student, youth workers
• Supporting and informing people about European projects, program Erasmus+, foreign
opportunities, getting in contact…
Send CV and motivation letter to : Jean-David BIGUE +33 5 61 02 86 10
[10.06.2024] EU-geförderter Freiwilligendienst in der Bretagne

Hier sucht der noch aktuelle Freiwillige einer Koordinationsstelle für Jugendinformationsstellen in der Bretagne seinen Nachfolger oder seine Nachfolgerin. Der Freiwilligendienst wird von der EU gefördert und soll am 1. September 2024 starten. Mehr Informationen findet ihr unten im Gesuch.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


mein Name ist Lucas Allebrod. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt, komme aus Dortmund und leiste gerade einen Freiwilligendienst im Rahmen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps in Rennes (Hauptstadt der Bretagne, Frankreich) ab.

Da sich mein Freiwilligendienst so langsam zu Ende neigt und ich sowohl meine Tutorin als auch meine Aufnahmeorganisation sehr ins Herz geschlossen habe, unterstütze ich diese im Moment bei der Suche nach meinem Nachfolger/ meiner Nachfolgerin.

Aus diesem Grund bitte ich Sie, dieses Angebot mit möglichst vielen Jugendlichen, welche Lust haben, ein unvergessliches Jahr im Ausland zu erleben, zu teilen.

Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Details zu diesem Freiwilligendienst:


  • Aufnahmeorganisation:

Das „Centre Régional d'Information Jeunesse Bretagne“ (kurz: CRIJ) koordiniert und unterstützt das Netzwerk der 61 Jugendinformationsstellen der Bretagne. Dabei beschäftigt es sich hauptsächlich mit den Themen: Jobs, Wohnen, Gesundheit und internationale Mobilität.

Das Büro befindet sich mitten im Stadtzentrum von Rennes (Hauptstadt der Bretagne). Da es sich beim CRIJ jedoch um eine regionale Struktur handelt, arbeitet es weit über die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus.

Das CRIJ selber ist nicht für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Jedoch nimmt es sehr oft an Foren, Seminaren oder sonstigen Veranstaltungen teil, bei welchen der/ die Freiwilligendienstler/in in direkten Kontakt mit den bretonischen Jugendlichen treten kann.

  • Dauer:

Dieser Freiwilligendienst ist für die Dauer von einem Jahr ausgelegt. Nach vorheriger Absprache kann er jedoch auch etwas verkürzt werden. Starttermin ist der 1. September 2024.

  • Mission:

Die Hauptaufgabe des/ der Freiwilligendienstler/in ist die Aufklärung über internationale Mobilität und die Sensibilisierung bretonischer Jugendlicher für verschiedene Auslandsprogramme.

Dazu zählt sowohl die Produktion und Veröffentlichung von Inhalten für soziale Medien als auch der direkte Kontakt mit den Jugendlichen auf jeglichen Events.

Dabei soll er/ sie die Jugendlichen auch motivieren, Erfahrungsberichte für unsere Plattform „Galet’trotteurs“ ( zu schreiben.

  • Unterkunft:

Der/ die Freiwilligendienstler/in wird in Villejean, dem Universitätsviertel von Rennes, wohnen und sein/ ihr eigenes Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft haben. Die Wohnung wurde Anfang dieses Jahres teilweise saniert und verfügt über alles, was man braucht (Möbel, Küchenutensilien, Waschmaschine, etc.). Sie liegt drei Minuten zu Fuß von der nächsten U-Bahnhaltestelle entfernt.

  • Reisekosten und Taschengeld:

Die An- und Abreisekosten werden nach der von der Europäischen Kommission festgelegten Berechnungsgrundlage erstattet. Darüber hinaus wird ein Taschengeld in Höhe von aktuell circa 450 € pro Monat und ein Abonnement für den öffentlichen Nahverkehr in Rennes zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • Seminare:

Der/ die Freiwilligendienstler/in wird an einem Ankunfts- und einem Halbzeitseminar, welche von der französischen „Agence Nationale Erasmus+“ organisiert werden, teilnehmen.

Am Ende seines/ ihres Freiwilligendienstes hat er/ sie die Möglichkeit auf Kosten der Association Jeunes à Travers le Monde (JTM), welche die Koordination dieses Freiwilligendienstes übernimmt, das DELF/ DALF (offizieller Test für französische Sprachkompetenzen) abzulegen.

  • Profil:

Das CRIJ sucht nach einer jungen, enthusiastischen und vor allem selbstständigen Person, die weltoffen ist und kein Problem damit hat, in einem vollständig französischsprachigen Umfeld zu arbeiten.

Da unsere Organisation in der gesamten Bretagne tätig ist, ist ein Führerschein zwingend erforderlich. Grundkenntnisse in Französisch wären ein Plus (sind aber nicht obligatorisch).

  • Bewerbung:

Für Bewerbungen oder Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt (auf Englisch oder Französisch) an Clémence Delvaux, die zuständige Koordinatorin der Association JTM:

Bewerbungen werden nur berücksichtigt, wenn sie mindestens ein Anschreiben und einen Lebenslauf enthalten. Im Betreff der E-Mail benennen Sie bitte die Aufnahmeorganisation („CRIJ“) oder den Namen des Projektes („How to become a Galet'trotteur“).


Auf dem Europäischen Jugendportal finden sie dieses Angebot unter folgendem Link:

Vielen Dank!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Lucas Allebrod

ESK-Freiwilligendienstler im CRIJ Bretagne

[10.06.2024] Zwei Plätze im EU-geförderten Freiwilligendienst in Szeged, Ungarn, zu vergeben

Zwei junge Menschen im Alter zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren bekommen hier die Chance auf je einen Freiwilligendienstplatz in einem Kindergarten. Das Projekt findet im Rahmen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps statt und geht am 1. Oktober 2024 los. Mehr Informationen findet ihr unten im Gesuch.


Dear Partners,

We're looking for 2 volunteers to join our upcoming project starting from 1st October 2024. The volunteer opportunity lasts 6 months, until 5th February 2025 and will take place in Szeged, Hungary. We would like to ask for your help to reach youngsters worldwide.

We are searching for 2 volunteers to bring happiness to kindergartens and to different target groups by handcrafting and music, art and playing with them. We are waiting for the application of young adults between the ages of 18-30 who like to be around children, have a sense for creating activities and taking care of kindergarteners between the ages of 3-6, whose hobby is dance, music or handcrafting, who have social sensitivity and who want to make the life of the target groups happier.

All the other details you can find here.

We really appreciate your help.  In case you find youngsters who would be interested, please redirect them to me or share with me their CV and/or motivation letter.

For further details, please contact us at

Thank you so much in advance!

Best wishes,


Talentum Alapítvány / Talentum Foundation

Iroda / Office: 6725 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 14.

Tel: +36207704558

Skype: evstalentum

[09.04.2024] Freiwilligendienst für ein Jahr in Kroatien

Dear Eurodesk colleagues,

Greetings from "Youth in the EU" in Šibenik, Croatia! We hope this message finds you well 🌼

We're excited to announce that we are currently looking for a long-term volunteer to join our team for a fulfilling journey of community engagement and youth empowerment on the volunteering project"Harbor of Solidarity"! If you know someone passionate about making a difference and eager to immerse themselves in diverse projects, please share this opportunity with them!

🌟 Volunteer Position: Long-Term Volunteer

👤 Conditions: All participants must be aged between 18 and 30 years old, and legally residing in one of the EU countries or E+ partner countries.
🗓️ Duration:1 year (52 weeks)
📅 Period: 02/06/2024 to 01/06/2025
📍 Location: Šibenik, Croatia
🔍 Topic:Youth information activities, personal project development, European opportunities promotion, Youth Center management, Social media management

🚨 Application Deadline: 14/04/2024 - The call is available on the European Youth Portal at this link.


In this role, the volunteer will play a crucial part in:

1. Facilitating youth information activities
2. Developing personal projects to engage local youth and community
3. Promoting European opportunities and values
4. Assisting in the management of the local Youth Center
5. Managing social media platforms to promote youth opportunities and mobility

For detailed information about the position and our organization, please refer to our INFOPACK 📔

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining us on this exciting journey, please don't hesitate to apply or spread the word!

Best regards,


Giovanna La Gala

[08.04.2024] Zwei Freiwilligenplätze für Hochschulaktivitäten in Malaga, Spanien zu vergeben


  • END: JULY  2025

We inform you that we are looking for 2 motivated ESC volunteers for the ALAN TURING HIHG SCHOOL




We will just take into consideration responsible, motivated, and passionate application forms!

More info and APP


Eurodesk Spanish Network

Málaga, Spain
+34952002774 / +34672028985


[05.04.2024] ERASMUS+, KA 2 - Partnereinrichtungen im Bereich Kultur für Kooperationsprojekt



Looking for other organisations in walled cities that work with youth.


I am writing in the name of our youth center from the small coast city Piran. The center is part of the public institution Sports and Youth Center in Piran.

Piran is one of the walled cities, which is why the project we propose focuses on the walls. The idea is to make the walls more attractive to young people, by doing an escape room or a treasure hunt on the walls. Thus, through “game” they learn about history, the importance of cultural heritage, and also about other European cities with walls. The project would be carried out in both cities, Piran and the partner city.

This would be an Erasmus+ project, Key Action 2: Cooperation between organizations (Small-scale partnerships) and we want to submit the grant application by October this year.

If the idea seems interesting to you, please send an email at to Lada Tancer, the manager of our center, who will carry out this project.


Best regards,


[03.04.2024] Drei Freiwilligenplätze in Malaga zu vergeben - Bereich Migration und Kultur


We inform you that we are looking for 3 motivated ECS volunteers for Asociación Marroqui (Para La Integración De Los Inmigrantes).

  • Location: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 06/10/2024
  • End: 30/08/2025
  • Duration: 8 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply:  30/06/2023
  • This call is open to EU +NEIGHBOUR COUNTRIES

We will only consider application forms of responsible, motivated, and passionate candidates!

Take into consideration that it is an approved project-


More info an APP

Eurodesk Spanish Network

Málaga, Spain
+34952002774 / +34672028985

[28.03.2024] Angebote über Kurzzeitfreiwilligendienst in Griechenland

Dear future partners,

We are excited to inform you about our new European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering team project, "Youth for refugees:"ESC for minor refugees well being and Environment". As an organization committed to fostering positive change, we believe that collaboration is key to making a meaningful impact.

Project Overview:
Title: Youth for refugees:"ESC for minor refugees well being and environment"
Location: Ioannina, Greece
Duration: 23 days
Dates: 8th May - 30 May
Volunteer Slots: 3-4 volunteers / per organization

Project Aim:

Youth for refugees:"ESC for minor refugees well being and environment" means changing - improving the healthy lifestyle and the green skills of the young refugees we host. Through non-formal learning activities and methods, our project redefines the habits and skills of the kids in our structure and focus on the need to respect our health and environment. The volunteers who will host, will promote the interaction of young people in society and will cultivate the idea that everyone deserves an opportunity to improve their skills and become an active member and part of his/her local society, regardless of health status, age, gender, ethnicity, or other possible obstacles. Our 23-day volunteering team activity will mostly have mixed workshops (students, minor refugees, youth) and open events so to promote the above-mentioned interaction. Volunteers will have the opportunity to see our structures' daily routine becoming green while supporting the kids we host in a healthy lifestyle.

How You Can Get Involved:
We invite you to share our info pack with potential candidates who may be interested in participating in this transformative experience. The info pack contains detailed insights into the project, its goals, and the expected impact, providing an overview for interested individuals.

Contact Us:
Should you have any inquiries or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to us at We value collaboration and look forward to the prospect of working together to make a positive difference in the lives of refugees in Ioannina.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your commitment to the spirit of the European Solidarity Corps and the shared goal of creating a more inclusive and supportive community.

Warm regards,
Claire Fragkiadaki
Project Manager ErasmusPlus/European Solidarity Corps

[27.03.2024] Partner für Jugendbegegnung in den Bereichen Video / Film gesucht

Dear prospective partners:

It is a pleasure to invite you to our upcoming  Erasmus + Youth Exchange called "Short and sweet" which will be held in Cortes de la Frontera, Andalusia, from the 15th to  28th of July.  This project will brings together youngsters from 7 countries to spend 9 days to learn how to use their phones to create videos and short movies to raise awareness to all the problems which affect our societies.

We will need 5 participants from your part who are able to act in front of the camera, who know how to create and edit videos...

If you would like to be involved in the project, please, write us back as soon as possible.





Javier Morales

Asociación Amigos de Europa

Multiplicador Cualificado de la Red Eurodesk

Calle Montilla 4



[26.03.2024] Zwei Freiwilligenprojekte in Santa Maria de Los Angeles, Spanien zu vergeben

We inform you that we are looking for 2 motivated volunteers for an ESC project in Santa María de los Ángeles.

Basic Info

  • Venue: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: SEPT 2024
  • End: JUNE 2025
  • Number of Vacancies: 2
  • Deadline to apply: 19/04/2024
  • Interviews:  09/05/2024
  • We are looking for candidates ONLY FROM EU

Take into consideration that it is an approved project,

We will just take into consideration responsible, motivated, and passionate application forms!

Eurodesk Spanish Network

Málaga, Spain
+34952002774 / +34672028985


[25.03.2024] EU-geförderter Freiwilligendienst in Leszno, Polen

Dear Partners,

we share with you an ESC opportunity. CAT is looking for volunteers for volunteering in a long term project. Please spread the information!

Thank you!


  • ESC long-term opportunity in Leszno, Poland
  • Period of activities: 15/05/2024 - 11/06/2025
  • If you are looking for an experience in a foreign country this post is for you!
  • Theme of the project: voluntary project, art and creative outdoor workshops for youth and children (games, drawing, face painting, flashmobs, crafts, etc.)

*If interested please contact Anouar.

Wiktoria Cieślawska
Asystentka koordynatora projektów

T: +48 517 333 416


Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej
Siedziba: ul.Dąbrowskiego 3B, 64-100 Leszno
Regionalny Punkt Informacyjny Eurodesk Leszno

[25.03.2024] Zwei Freiwilligenplätze in Malaga zu vergeben






We inform you that we are looking for 2 motivated ESC volunteers for the FUNDACIÓN ALONSO QUIJANO.


FROM: Candidates from EU

We will just take into consideration responsible, motivated, and passionate application forms!


Eurodesk Spanish Network


Málaga, Spain
+34952002774 / +34672028985

[20.03.2024] Workshopangebot aus Kroatien - "Emotional Intelligence tools and practices in Youth Work"

Our organization, "Mladi u Europskoj uniji" (Youth in the European Union), situated in the beautiful city of Šibenik, Croatia, is currently seeking one additional partner for an Erasmus+ Training Course focused on the application of Emotional Intelligence tools and practices in Youth Work. The Training Course is scheduled for April and will span 5 days, travel days excluded.

We already have partners from Spain, Italy, and North Macedonia onboard for this project. Unfortunately, this invitation cannot be extended to other organizations from those countries.

For further details regarding the Training Course, please refer to the attached infopack. Here are the key particulars:

  • 25 - 29 April 2024 (travel days excluded)
  • 5 participants (minimum 18 years old), with experience in working with youth (any field)

If you are interested, please contact me at Thank you for your attention, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,

Giovanna la Gala

[20.03.2024] Angebote für Kurzzeitfreiwilligendienst in Ruse, Bulgarien

Dear Partners,

we share with you an ESC opportunity. The organization is looking for volunteers for volunteering teams project. Please spread the information!

Thank you!

Have a nice day!



ESC short-term opportunity in Ruse, Bulgaria

Period of activities: 15/06/2024 - 14/07/2024 (1 month)

If you are looking for an experience in a foreign country this post is for you!

Theme of the project: voluntary project, art and creative outdoor workshops for youth and children (games, drawing, face painting, flashmobs, crafts, etc.)

Check the video from one of previous ESC project - short term volunteering teams:

If you are interested, please contact us to

Deadline: 24th of March 2024

For more information, please check the link to the infopack: CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS_2024_1.pdf

[19.03.2024] Aufnahmeorganisationen für Freiwillige im Rahmen des ESK gesucht


We are a youth center on the coast of Slovenia and at this moment we have a national volunteer, that is working 2 times a week, helping kids annd teenagers with their homework and studies. She is interested in doing an ESC abroad and is looking for some projects to work with kids or teens in Italy. She would prefer to do a project in Italy, because she can speak italian and is closer to home.

We also host volunteers with fewer opportunities and we know how important it is that they get additional support, so we are looking for similar organisations.

If you have any opportunities, you can contact me on:

Best regards,

Varja Palčič

[15.03.2024] 8 Monate Freiwilligendienst in Frankreich? Ab Mai geht es los ...

Dear Eurodesk partners,

One of our local partners (not us and we are not the coordinating organisation) is looking for 1 ESC volunteer from May to December 2024 (8 months), in Isle (city near Limoges in France). This project has been accepted by the French national agency.

Some information :

  • Coordinating and Host organisation : Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Town twinning association of Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
  • Activities: twinning, European and International cooperation, mobility, youth, citizenship, intercultural dialogue
  • Volunteer's from : EU-program countries, Norway and Iceland

Please find attached more details about the project.

The candidates have to send cover letter and CV in French or English directly to our partner at by 31th March 2024 (not 25th March).


Best regards.



Eurodesk - Limoges
Info Jeunes Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[14.03.2024] ESC-Angebot - Freiwilligendienst in der Türkei

Dear Eurodesk Network,

We are excited to share that PAUGED will be hosting volunteers within European Solidarity Corps (ESC) in Denizli, Türkiye.

If you would like to collaborate or share with your colleagues, we would be very happy.

For further details, including our Infopack and Application form, please visit:

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,




Ramazan AKBAY

Eurodesk İrtibat Kişisi


Pamukkale Uluslararası Gençlik ve Eğitim Derneği

Asmalıevler Mah. 6681 Sk. No:17/20  Pamukkale/DENİZLİ 

Tel: +90 258 410 64 93

       +90 505 856 00 55


[13.03.2024] Freiwilligendienst im Umweltbereich in Rumänien

Dear colleagues,

The organisation I am representing has an active CALL for romania. Details and link in email text!

1 (last) place available 𝗢𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗽𝘀!

Are you looking to volunteer with the European Solidarity Corps program? We are starting our third year from our strategic long-term plan and YOU can be part of it! Help us achieve part of our vision and work together to improve the local community of Baia Mare, România.

We are looking for one more international (or Romanian) volunteer to join our team:

Environmental actions - 1 volunteer working on making our organisation more ”green” and sustainable and making public activities focused on environmental awareness, ex: clean walks, raising awareness online campaigns, workshops in highschools about recycling and nature protection, various city and outdoor games, greening for public spaces.

More details on web CALL:



POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier

facebook: Pop.r.flavius


2B Garibaldi 430154, Baia Mare, Romania

[09.03.2024] 5 Angebote Freiwilligentätigkeiten in Italien

Dear friends,

It is a pleasure connecting with you again. I am writing to you on behalf of my association InformaGiovani. ☺️

We are currently looking for 5 volunteers to fill our vacancies in quite different environments. All of the opportunities have already been uploaded to the EU YouthPortal; the links can be found below. The positions which you might be interested in are described briefly here:

  • 1 place for “Promoting Volunteering and Youth Participation”, for 9 months, starting from April 2024. This position involves work in office (i.e. administrative tasks like sending requests to participants or taking care of reimbursements) but not only; the volunteer would also have to help organise projects on the spot, select participants, implement workshops with use of non-formal education, support other volunteers during their projects/stays in Italy, etc. This position takes place mostly in our office in Palermo, but the volunteer is expected to be willing to accompany us in other nearby parts of Sicily.
  • 2 places for “Long term volunteering in a refugee centre”, for 5 months, starting from April-May. As the name suggests, these 2 positions are to support a refugee centre in the towns of Mazzarino and Riesi, near Caltanissetta, in the heart of Sicily. The work there involves mostly organising after-schools activities, workshops, artistic events and festivals aimed at children of migrant couples. The children staying in the refugee centre have lived through different experiences, so the volunteer needs to be able to bond with them to help them develop intercultural awareness to facilitate their stay in a different country.
  • 2 places for “Practicing and promoting sustainable lifestyles in Eco-village” for 6 months, starting from April-May. Organised by Gaia Terra, the project aims at transforming society through promotion of sustainable lifestyles on various levels. The volunteers will live in an eco-village community supporting the project through orchard and garden management, recycling and creative use of waste, production of biodegradable products, etc. Volunteers will also be responsible for organising all kinds of workshops/receptions that attempt at promoting the idea.

Attached you can find the infopacks of each opportunity, together with the visuals you can use to share them through your channels.

Please do let us know if you find someone who is willing to work with us: do not hesitate to share with us the profile, together with the CV and the motivation letter. We will organise an online interview with the candidate and will keep you updated about the selection process.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach back to us :)

Main contact: Giorgia (

Warm regards,


Associazione InformaGiovani
Centro Eurodesk - Palermo

Tel. +39 3339528439

[09.03.2024] Projektangebot im Rahmen des ESC in der Türkei

-WHERE: Bolu, Turkiye
-WHO: 2 volunteers aged between 18-30 years
-WHEN: Between April 2024-February 2025
-WHAT: Speaking Club, Social Club and Sports Activities
ALL COSTS COVERED (pocket money, travel and accommodation)
Apply and details here:



Bolu Gençlik ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü

Eurodesk 1. İrtibat Kişisi

İhsaniye Mah. Stadyum Cad. No:13

Merkez, Bolu, TÜRKİYE
Tel. +903742703638

[08.03.2024] Ab Mai 2024 - Projektangebot für Freiwilligendienst in Tallinn, Estland

Hello, dear partners!

IZUM youth club (NGO Youth Club Active) is looking for a long-term volunteer in the European Solidarity Corps program from May 2024.

The long-term goal of this project is to provide to the volunteer an opportunity to learn and develop him/herself through work with children and youngsters in the youth organisation

Project venue: Tallinn, Estonia

Full description is here (and also attached to this email):

If you are interested or have an appropriate candidate, please send your CV to

Share this information with someone who might be interested

Best regards,

NGO Youth Club Active

Võru 11, Tallinn

+372 56282316

[07.03.2024] Freiwillige für Projekte im Rahmen des ESC in Polen gesucht

Dear partners,

I hope this email finds you well.

We are excited to inform you that we are currently looking for volunteers short or long-term. We are placed in Leszno, Poland.

We are looking for someone who is 18-30 years old. Volunteer, who is interested in communication and cooperation with young people and children and is able to work in a team-oriented environment but also to be able to take their own initiative. Someone who is responsible, creative, curious, and open-minded. Also it would be great if the volunteer would love to teach their hobby(art, music, etc.) to the youngsters.

Here are the link for calls:

European Youth Days: 11/03/2024 to 09/04/2024

link: ‘

European Week:  15/04/2024 to 12/06/2024

link : ‘

Our long term Project:

link: ''

If interested please contact


Kind regards,


Wiktoria Cieślawska
Asystentka koordynatora projektów

T: +48 517 333 416


Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej
Siedziba: ul.Dąbrowskiego 3B, 64-100 Leszno
Regionalny Punkt Informacyjny Eurodesk Leszno

[04.03.2024] Ungarn - Suche nach Partnern in der frühkindlichen Erziehung

Hello to all the Hungarian Eurodesk !

I was contacted by three early-childhood-educators-to-be who have an opportunity to come to Hungary in November 2024 for a kind of job shadowing type of internship.

Now, they are looking for the places in Budapest/nearby to do visit during their stay:

Please find their message below and if you can host them/know somebody who would be willing to, do not hesitate to contact them via mail:

We are three students training to become educators of young children in Saint Brieuc in France. As part of our training, we must carry out a project. We are looking for structures that can welcome us during the week of November 2 to 11, 2024 in Budapest. This can be for short periods of time or a whole day.

The aim of our stay is to discover a new way of raising children, new pedagogies, to exchange with professionals in order to enrich our professional career.

Thank you,

Louna, Estelle et Zoé

Három diák vagyunk, akik kisgyermeknevelőkké készülünk a franciaországi Saint Brieuc-ban. Képzésünk részeként egy projektet kell végrehajtanunk. A 2024. november 2-11-ig tartó héten Budapesten keresünk szállásadó építményeket. Ez rövid ideig vagy egy egész napig tarthat.

Üdülésünk célja egy új gyermeknevelési mód, új pedagógiák felfedezése, szakmai pályafutásunk gazdagítása érdekében a szakemberekkel való cserekapcsolat.


Louna, Estelle et Zoé


Joanna Kolodziejczyk
Youth and International information officer
Youth project advisor
Lannion, Bretagne, France

[21.02.2024] 3 Freiwillige für ESC in Estland gesucht

Dear Partners,

I hope this email finds you well.  We are excited to extend an invitation to individuals like yourself who are passionate about making a positive impact in the community. ⭐

We believe that every person has the power to contribute to meaningful change, and we are currently seeking volunteers to join us in our mission. Currently, we are looking for 3 volunteers to work with youth and children. The placement would be in Kohila, Estonia.

We are looking for someone who is 18-30 years old. Volunteer, who is interested in communication and cooperation with young people and children and is able to work in a team oriented environment but also to be able to take their own initiative. Someone who is responsible, creative, curious, and open-minded. Also it would be great if the volunteer would love to teach their hobby(art, music, etc.) to the youngsters.

I have attached an infopack, if there is anyone interested please contact me through this email or

All the best,

Karina Baumverk

Head of Youth Work

Raplamaa Eurodesk

[20.02.2024] Zwei Plätze für Freiwilligendienst in Bilbao zu besetzen


We are looking for 2 EU volunteers :

1 vacancy YOUTHWORK:
The main action to be implemented with the project is support the activities and programs to
revitalize the municipal Youth Service and to support the dissemination of European programs:
- Design, program and stimulate the activities of the Municipal Youth Service together with the work team: workshops,

recreational activities and outings with young people from 14 to 30 years old


The main action to be implemented with the project is promote the European programs among young people in the municipality

Portugalete, Basque Country (Spain)

Deadline: 29/02/2024
Duration: 10 months, starting in march 2024
ESC program already approved (accomodation, flights, food, local transport, and pocket money covered)


Thank you!!!





Eurodesk España

Calle Ronda s/n, 3º planta despacho B
48005, Bilbao, Bizkaia
+34 688 62 59 73
[16.02.2024] Türkei, Partner für Sportprojekt gesucht

Dear Eurodesk Multipliers,
As Cedid Association, we plan to apply for the Erasmus Sport Project in 2024. We are looking for partners for our project and if you are interested, please send your PIF  to the following email addresses: and

Our Project Expert Mrs. Fatma Toprak will evaluate all applications. Thank you in advance.

The project summary ;

Feel the Nature project is designed to promote healthy life styles among young people, increase intercultural exchange and improve environmental awareness. The project aims to bring together young people through natural sports with natural and cultural riches of Siirt, strengthening international cooperation networks and contributing to the economic development of the region by supporting Siirt’s tourism potential. At its core, the project plans to develop young people’s attitudes in terms of health, culture and environment and establish long-term international cooperation networks.
In the framework of the project, it is planned to include 30 young people between 18-30 age based on gender equality. The mobility of the project will take place in Siirt province of Turkiye. The participants will have the chance of acquiring healthy life styles, increasing cultural exchange and improving environmental awareness through nature sports.  
The planned activities of the projects are mentioned as follow:
Nature Walks: Guided nature walks will be organized to discover the natural beauty of Siirt and increase interest in nature sports among young people. In these walks, participants will see the Botan Valley and experience botanical observance of endemic plants in Siirt.
Orienteering: While adapting nature walks, we will organize orienteering competition. With this activity, the participants will acquire map-reading, compass-using, and team spirit skills in addition to cultural exchange and discovering nature.
Paragliding: The participants will have the opportunity to see the magnificent landscape of Siirt from above and experience an exciting adventure.
Bicycle Race: In the determined race course, the participants will ride bikes. With the great attention of the local community, environmental awareness and healthy life styles will be promoted.
Environmental Cleanup and Sustainability: Environmental cleanup activities will be organized in the areas where the nature sports take place to increase awareness of environmental consciousness and promote the preservation of natural habitats.
Cultural Events: The participants from each country will organize presentations and workshops to introduce their cultures to other participants. These activities will increase cultural exchange and strengthen tolerance among young people.

These activities aim to promote healthy life styles by increasing young people’s interaction with nature sports while  fostering cultural exchange and environmental awareness.


Abdusselam YILMAZ

Eurodesk İrtibat Kişisi

Cedid Derneği

TEL :+09 542 781 13 95

veysel karani mahallesi sanayi sitesi 1994/3 Sok :25 Siirt-Turkey


[13.02.2024] Partner für Jugendbegegnung gesucht (Sommer 2024)


I am Yasmina, the european project manager of KIRIBIL SAREA; a network of organisations based in the Basque Country (in the north of Spain) with years of experience in European projects (such as study visits, seminars, hosting and sending volunteers...).
We are also part of the Eurodesk network and have the quality label of the European Solidarity Corps.

We attach some info about our organization.  

Our organisations generally work in childhood and youth programmes. We have been carrying out youth exchanges for several years and...

We are looking for partners for the projects of this summer 2024.

We atach you an info pack with all the information about the project and the key details of our proposal in case you might be interested.

We would like to do a youth exchange with 2 legs, one part in your country and other in Basque Country (Spain). Dates and other project details may be discussed.

We want to apply to R1 Erasmus+ next 20th of february, so we are a little bit short of time. Accredited entities.

If you have any doubt you can send us also by email.

Best regards and thank you!


Calle Ronda s/n, 3º planta despacho B
48005, Bilbao, Bizkaia
+34 688 62 59 73

[12.02.2024] Looking for esc projects to host volunteers in Greek island

Dear all,

I am reaching out to inquire about any ongoing projects that involve sending volunteers abroad, specifically to Greece.

A Nautical Club located on Limnos Island, Greece, with a quality label to host volunteers, is seeking volunteers for 2-months this summer.

The club is dedicated to promoting maritime activities and fostering community engagement, especially among the youth on the island. This summer, they are planning to organize a kids' daycare camp aimed at teaching children various nautical skills, promoting environmental awareness, and encouraging physical activity in a fun and educational setting.

To ensure the success of their summer camp, they are seeking volunteers who are passionate about working with children, have experience in nautical activities, and are eager to make a positive impact in our community.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

Looking forward to your response.

Warm regards,

Claire Fragiadaki


HE020 International Centre for Sustainable Development

[09.02.2024] Angebot zum ökologischen Freiwilligendienst in Frankreich

Dear colleagues,


The French organisation Adichats is looking of his/her next ESC volunteer to take part in a 10-month ESC ecological volunteering project.


If you happen to know any young people from Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden who is free for 10 months starting next March, here is the link to the ESC offer.


For further info, please contact Camille MALLET at


Best regards,


[08.02.2024] ESC-Angebot - Für 8 Monate nach Italien?

Dear colleagues and partners,

Hope all of you are really good.

In 2022 we applied as lead organization for a European Solidarity Corps Project. With happiness we want to tell you that our project has been financed and from now on we are looking for ESC volunteers.

The project is “Gen-Red” and will be managed by AVIS Lombardia.

Could you please help us to spread it and find one volunteer?

The project will start in March 2024 for the first volunteer and in the month of April for the second one. For both the duration will be 8 month.

Here you can find all the information and how to apply:

Thanks in advance for your help!


Sabrina Curaj

Agenzia Eurodesk di Cinisello Balsamo

Vicolo del Gallo 10, Cinisello Balsamo

Tel. 02.66023.222

[07.02.2024] Albacete, Spanien > Partner für Jugendbegegnung gesucht

Good morning

We are writing to you on behalf of the City Council of Albacete, Castilla La Mancha, Spain; of the Albacete Youth Center, more specifically.
We are looking for an entity in your town that wants to organize a youth exchange in your town and receive our youth group

We are open to many topics, dates and ages.

Our entity is accredited by the Spanish National Agency.

Thank you so much




Tel: +34 967 511 020
C/ Dr. Collado Piña, 14
02003 Albacete. España

[06.02.2024] Interesse an einem Freiwilligendienst in Galizien?

Galicia, Spain

  • Meaus, Ourense, Galicia
  • Escape city life and immerse yourself in nature surrounded by rolling green hills, rivers and hot springs.
  • Help grow organic vegetables, care for farm animals like goats, sheep and donkeys, and experience rural life.
  • Learn traditional skills like cheesemaking, woodworking or gardening alongside friendly locals.
  • Get involved in planning festivals, EU projects planning, workshops and activities to energize the small community.
  • Experience Spanish culture while improving your language skills.
  • Contribute to sustainable rural regeneration through permaculture projects and eco-initiatives.
  • Start your 9-months adventure in March 2024 living simply yet fully.
  • Work as part of a fun international team of volunteers from around the world.
  • Free accommodation, meals, pocket money and lifelong memories provided under CES projects.
  • Send your CV and motivation letter to with subject "Os Mixtos Volunteer".

Live simply, work meaningfully and make new friends in stunning natural surroundings. This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in rural Spanish life and help care for the land and community. Don't miss out - apply today!


[02.02.2024] Spanien - Initiative gesucht für Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmertum im ländlichen Raum

Hi Network!
Dramblys association is organizing this activity (see image).  

They are asking us for help to find some initiative, project, activity or training related to sustainability culture (rural entrepreneurship, recycling, sustainable tourism, PDO products, agricultural innovation, etc.) which could be presented in a Roundtable of stakeholders in which our office here in Albacete will participate. If you have or known of something it would be welcomed. We would only need contacting info, web, general info about that project, initiative... Thank you very much.

Paco Pérez

Eurodesk Albacete

Tel: +34 967 511 020
C/ Dr. Collado Piña, 14
02003 Albacete

[31.01.2024] Frankreich - Seminarangebot für in der Jugendarbeit Tätige

Dear partners,


We are a collective of youth workers from different associations who would like to live a mobility experience through the Erasmus + project and visit other organisations who are working with young people and mobility programmes.

The objectives would be to :

-> Discover mobility while living it

-> Networking and creation of partnership

-> Exchange about experience and network
-> Discover new tools and competences

Please get in touch if you want to work with us on that project. We can ask ourselves for the project, for the October 2024 deadline, and we would like the mobility to take place in february or march 2025.

I wish you have a great day,
Best regards !

Info Jeunes Graulhet

[22.01.2024] Workshopangebote für Jugendarbeitende in Lublin, Polen

Dear Partners,
Sempre a Frente Foundation is looking for partners to provide youthworkers (more than 18 years old) for Erasmus+ Training Course in Poland. We are an accredited organization in the Erasmus+ Youth Sector, so we are sending you the opportunity to join as an organization in our project. If you are strongly interested, we are waiting for your feedback until January 25, 2024. Details below.

"Totally understanding" Training of Youthworkers

February 22 - 29, 2024 (including arrival 22nd Feb & departure 29th Feb days) in Poland (Lublin)

TC is intended for a group of 22 youthworkers, who have started working with young people using non-formal methods and still developing their ways to support youth. This training course covers a wide range of topics, including diagnosis of our youthwork systems, our roles as youthworkers, mental health self-care, motivation of youth and ourselves. By the end of training course, participants will have a solid understanding of their role as youthworkers in their systems and easily find new solutions for youthwork challenges.  


Additional info:

In the project, the group's preferred form of transportation will be green travel (by bus, train or carpool), of course, if possible.

We are waiting for your declaration to be on board together with PIF by 25rd January 2024. Then we will send you the partner agreement to sign and start preparations for the projects.

More info about us:

Infopack in attachment


[20.01.2024] Ungarn - Freiwillige für Projekte in Kindergärten gesucht

Dear Eurodesk Network,

I would like to introduce myself as the leader of Európa Ifjúsága Egyesület. My name is Ági.

We are a Hungarian youth organization who coordinate a German speaking kindergarten and another kindergarten in Nemesvámos. In addition, our association has three international volunteers in Magyaralmás. The volunteers organize many joint programs together.

We are searching for 3 volunteers to be a part of that kindergarten in Nemesvámos for 12 months from the middle April of 2024 and he/she can part our international work too. Only from European Union countries!

Besides working in the kindergarten, the volunteers have the possibility to join other international and national (Hungarian) programs as well, like youth exchanges, training courses in Erasmus+ program etc...

Two French boys and one Turkish girl are currently working in the kindergarten. If you want, you can talk to them about everyday life. 🙂

The spacious apartment we rent for volunteers is located in Veszprém. It has three rooms and a living room. Thus, everyone has a private life.

In attached you can find the infopack of the project and a lot of details from our organization.

You can find our association on Facebook:



Application form:

Activity description:

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

Warm regards, Ági


PIF Youth of Europe Association.pdf

Tiny Hands Huge Hearts_description.pdf

[19.01.2024] Verein aus Spanien sucht Basketballclub im Rahmen einer Jugendbegegnung

Hi, we have a basketball club in our area (Catalonia, Spain) that is looking for a basketball club with 17-18 year olds to do an exchange related to basketball (at the moment in a self-organised way for a week in June-July: each one pays their own travel and accommodation in the same players' houses). And to see in the future if we can present a project to get funding.

Cristina Riera Coll
Multiplicador cualificado Eurodesk
Servei de Joventut, Consell Comarcal de la Garrotxa
Av Onze de setembre, 22
17800 Olot, Garrotxa
+34 972 27 52 42 •

[15.01.2024] Spanische Einrichtung sucht Partner für Jugendbegegnung


We are looking for Looking for partners from Albacete, Spain. It is a K1 youth exchanges in your country

11 young people between 18 and 20 years old
Language: English
Countries: No preference
Dates: Between July 10 and August 31
Exchange topic: No preference

Email contact:

Paco Pérez

Eurodesk Albacete

Tel: +34 967 511 020
C/ Dr. Collado Piña, 14
02003 Albacete

[15.11.2023] Ein Jahr ESK im Bereich Radio in Ungarn

We are looking for 8 volunteers for our upcoming ESC volunteering project in Hungary. The volunteers are expected to arrive in March 2024 and stay for 1 year.


More information is on the link and attached in the PDF document.

[11.01.2024] Partnergesuche aus Island

Hello from Eurodesk Iceland!  

We have just received this call from the colleagues at the national agency and were asked to share with the Eurodesk network:

“Organisation looking for partners: There is an organisation in Iceland that works with young people with disabilities, from 10-25 year old:  
These individuals are from fewer opportunities to mental or physical disabilities.

The organisation has already done one youth exchange with a similar organisation in Sweden back in 2019: this was a brilliant inclusion youth exchange that the Icelandic Erasmus+ National Agency has been showcasing as a best practice project.  

Now they are looking for partners for a mobility of youth workers project AND a youth exchange project.
* The mobility of youth workers would consist of 10-15 participants from Iceland who would like to visit a similar institution/organisation/municipality that works with young people with disability in the age range 10-30 year old. They are looking to exchange best practices, see and experience what their colleagues are working with in Europe and hopefully gain personal and professional competences.

* They are also looking for partners for a youth exchange project.  They will be applying to visit their partner as well as applying for their partner to visit Iceland with young people.  They would be around 10-15 young people and plus accompanying persons.  They will be applying to visit their partner as well as applying for their partner to visit Iceland as well for their young people and accompanying persons.

They are looking for recommendations for organisation, institution or municipality active or not in Erasmus+ - doesn‘t really matter – only to be willing to create a youth exchange project with an inclusion aspect.

Please send suggestions to the Icelandic National Agency: Óli Örn Atlason – 

[09.11.2023] ESK in der Flüchtlingshilfe in Griechenland

We are excited to inform you about the launch of our new European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering project, "Youth for Refugees." As an organization committed to fostering positive change, we believe that collaboration is key to making a meaningful impact. Project Overview: Title: Youth for Refugees Location: Ioannina, Greece Duration: Approximately 9.5 months Start Date: Tentatively beginning of December Volunteer Slots: 4 participants Project Aim: The primary focus of "Youth for Refugees" is to actively contribute to the integration of refugees in Ioannina, Greece. Through long-term volunteering, our participants will engage in initiatives designed to support and empower the refugee community. How You Can Get Involved: We invite you to share our info pack with potential candidates who may be interested in participating in this transformative experience. The info pack contains detailed insights into the project, its goals, and the expected impact, providing an overview for interested individuals.



Claire Fragkiadaki
Project Manager ErasmusPlus/European Solidarity Corps





[12.10.2023] Ein Jahr ESK in Bulgarien im Bereich Umwelt

Mehr Infos:


[06.10.2023] One-Year Volunteer Service at the Polish Youth Centre in Piekary Śląskie

Dear partners,

We would like to invite you to a year's ESC volunteering at our youth centre, which also has a Eurodesk point.

Spread the word to anyone potentially interested in spending a great year with us.

Find out more about the programme in the appendix and about our youth centre on FB:

Eurodesk Piekary Slaskie
Mtodziezowy Dom Kultury nr 2

ul. Bytomska 152
41-940 Piekary Slaskie
+48 575 020 252



[04.10.2023] Why not! Freiwilligendienst in Vienne, Frankreich

Dear Eurodesk colleagues,

Our hosting organisation, City of Vienne, offers 1 ESC opportunity starting from 1st december 2023 to 30 September 2024 (10 months).

We are looking for 1 volunteer to work in the Youth Department of the Municipality of Vienne and more precisely at the Youth Information Office.

Please find attached more details about the project, and also on the ESC platform :

Deadline to apply : 25 october 2023



Thank you and have a nice day

Nathalie ROBERT

Responsable Service Jeunesse Ville de Vienne/BIJ de Vienne

Référente Eurodesk



[28.09.2023] Freiwilligendienst im Jugendzentrum in Tallinn, Estland


IZUM youth club (NGO Youth Club Active) is looking for a long-term volunteer in the European Solidarity Corps program from October 2023.

The long-term goal of this project is to provide to the volunteer an opportunity to learn and develop him/herself through work with children and youngsters in the youth organisation

Project venue: Tallinn, Estonia

Full description is attached

If you are interested or have an appropriate candidate, please send your CV to


Best regards,

NGO Youth Club Active

Võru 11, Tallinn

+372 56282316

[18.09.2023] Erasmus Staff Exchange/ Universities

Dear All,

One of the assistants from Business Administration at Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University is looking for a university to host her for a week for staff mobility. She was granted so she just need an acceptance letter and a host university.Since the time is limited, I also wanted to write here.

Best regards

Şerife DURNA

Eurodesk Temas Noktası İrtibat Kişisi

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi

Avşar Kampüsü 46050 Onikişubat/Kahramanmaraş

[15.09.2023] ESC - 12 Monate leben und arbeiten in der Bretagne, Frankreich

Hi all,

Our good partner, community of counties of Ribérac are still looking for 1 volunteer (out of 4) for 1 year placement.

They are providing excellent conditions, you have only to keep in mind that it's a rural area, so it would be best if the candidate has a driving licence (they are providing a car).

For more info, please see the PDF attached or contact them directly via mail: 

all the best,

Joanna Kolodziejczyk

Youth and International information officer

Youth project advisor

Lannion, Bretagne, France

[11.09.2023] Zwei Freiwilligenprojekte in Bulgarien

Dears partners,

Smokinya Foundation has 2 open spots for a 6-month ESC volunteering with us in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

We'll be grateful if you spread the information through your channels and assist us in sending volunteers in case there's people interested from your country. Below are links to our infopack and our website article for the open call.

Here's the project info.

Thank you in advance!

Smokinya Foundation Team


Smokinya Foundation

12 Betoven Str., 4000, Plovdiv, Bulgaria - +359 88 865 3280

[11.09.2023] 2 ESC-Plätze in Rumänien zu vergeben

Hello hello,

The organisation I am working in ( is looking for 2 volunteers to join our ongoing project. (still :P )We are looking for volunteers with the European Solidarity Corps program! CALL is here:

2 main topics, volunteers can choose one:

  1. Creating an open and tolerant society – 4 volunteers will be involved in working on the topic of interculturality and acceptance: presentations of the volunteers’ county, meeting in schools and highschools about volunteering, language workshops, book & movie clubs, actions to provide support for marginalized communities, awareness raising campaigns on different topics and activities in public spaces connected to international days.
  2. Developing skills needed for young people in the upcoming European job market – 4 volunteers will be involved in working on our ”learnity” and digital skills departments: workshops on writing CVs and motivation letters, role play interviews, workshops on digital skills, cybersecurity, fake news and other activities meant to boost the employability skills of youth from the local community.

Best wishes!


POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier

tel/fax: (+40) 362 412 361 | mobile:  (+40) 740 829 607

facebook: Pop.r.flavius


55A Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Romania


[08.09.2023] Last Minute - 8 Monate ESC in Malaga, Spanien


  • Venue: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 10.2023
  • End: 30.06.2024
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Number of Vacancies: 2
  • Deadline to apply: 25..09.2023
  • Online interviews until: .2606.2023
  • Countries: ONLY FROM EU COUNTRIES (due to lack of time to get visa)

We will only take into consideration we are looking for
responsible, motivated, and passionate applicants!

Take into consideration that it is an approved project



Multiplicador Cualificado de la Red Eurodesk
Avda Arroyo de los Angeles 50

Málaga - Spain
+34 672028985 - +34 952002774

[07.09.2023] 12 Monate in Spanien - 3 ESC-Plätze zu vergeben

Hello, we are looking three volunteers  start november.

2 volunteers to collaborate in our  youth information center, play gardens, european projects, international cooperation campaigns, secondary schools, etc.

1 volunteer to collaborate in sustainable development projects, environment, secondary schools, etc.

Duration: 12 months

Interested: send CV and cover letter to

Enclosed you will find our infopack.

Thanks in advance


[05.09.2023] 4 ESC-Plätze in Elche, Spanien zu vergeben


We are looking for 4 volunteers for Elche (Alicante) Spain. In attachment you can find our 4 projects, please send us your CV and motivation letter by 10 September explaining your motivations and the project you have chosen

Looking forward to hearing from you



Ayuntamiento de Elche

Multiplicador Cualificado de la Red Eurodesk

Calle Curtidores nº 23

03203 Elche


[27.08.2023] Deutsch-Italienisches Jugendprojekt zur Europawahl

wir möchten Sie gerne auf die Ausschreibung zu einem Jugendpartizipationsprojekt des deutsch-italienischen Zentrums für den europäischen Dialog Villa Vigoni aufmerksam machen.

Unter dem Titel German-Italian Young Voices active in the electoral campaign for the European Parliament suchen wir engagierte 18 bis 30-Jährige aus Italien und Deutschland für eine Kampagne zu den Europawahlen 2024. Unser Ziel lautet, junge EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger über Europapolitik aufzuklären und zugleich deren politische Forderungen und Ideen zu verbreiten, um so die öffentliche Debatte vor den Wahlen im Juni aktiv mitzugestalten. Das Projekt hat ein hybrides Format mit regelmäßigen digitalen Aktivitäten und vier Veranstaltungen in Präsenz, die von Erasmus+ finanziert werden.

Die Teilnahme bietet die Chance, sich europapolitisch zu engagieren, Erfahrung in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu sammeln, interkulturelle Kontakte zu knüpfen und Fremdsprachenkenntnisse zu vertiefen. Da das erste Treffen bereits gegen Ende Oktober stattfindet, suchen wir ab sofort bis zum 22. September die Teilnehmer/innen.

Wir wären Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie Personen, die für das Projekt in Frage kommen, direkt auf die Ausschreibung aufmerksam machen und/oder über Ihre öffentlichen Kanäle dafür werben könnten.

Dies ist der Link zur Ausschreibung in beiden Sprachen und mit allen relevanten Informationen: Deutsch


Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Kenntnisnahme und hoffen auf ein reges Interesse. Falls Sie zusätzliche Fragen haben, beantworten wir sie Ihnen sehr gerne. Mit den besten Grüßen, Das Koordinationsteam von German-Italian Young Voices

[27.08.2023] ESC-6 Monate mit Jugendlichen in Rumänien arbeiten

Die Organisation Ofensiva bietet in der rumänischen Stadt Arad einen 6-monatigen ESC-Freiwilligendienst ab 15. September an.

Download Info

[23.08.2023] Ab sofort: Ein Jahr ESC in französischem Jugendzentrum

Ein Jugendzentrum im französischen LeMans sucht ab sofort einen ESC-Volunteer für ein Jahr.

Main mission: Participation in the construction, organisation and animation of the event « petite enfance » taking place the 16th until the 23rd of March 2024.


The event “la semaine de la petite enfance” is dedicated to young children from the age 0 to 6, to all the parents as well as professionals working in this domain. Multiple early-learning workshops, shows for young audiences, early childhood conferences and various different kinds of events will be proposed in multiple departments of the city.


Mission in more detail:

-          planning of a specific animation project for “la semaine de la petite enfance”

-          assistance of the event coordinator

-          manage the inscriptions for different activities via mail or phone

-          participation in various events of the city (ForeverYoung, la Fête de l’Europe, Faites Lire, les 24h du Mans)

-          proposing activities to children each Wednesday in the leisure centre

-          proposing activities related to the culture of your home country, your mother tongue and of the European Union to pupils of an elementary school for 1 hour, 4 times a week


Philippe Landais

Eurodesk Le Mans

[12.08.2023] 3 ESC-Plätze in türkischem Kindergarten

We are an accredited association named "Sosyal Fabrika Sustainable Development Association" which is based in Adana, Türkiye. Since we have been working in the ESC programme for many years and looking for volunteers.

Currently we are looking for 3 long term volunteers for 180 days/6 months volunteering period.

Volunteering activities:

-Working with kids in the kindergartens with English teachers, organizing activities- games-topics to improve language skills with non-formal education methods, food distribution to people in need on the street on certain days of the week. Involving volunteers and actively participating in the work of the Sosyal Fabrika.



Hülya Yıldırım

EU Project Coordinator


[12.08.2023] Freiwilligendienst auf spanischem Pferdehof

Die Spanish Association of Equine Assisted Therapy, Education, and Adapted Leisure Interventions (AEDEQ) bietet mehrmonatige ESC-Plätze auf einem Pferdehof, der Pferdetherapie anbietet. Zu den Aufgaben gehört auch Gärtnern und Social Media.

Mehr Infos und Bewerbung:

[10.08.2023] Für Kurzentschlossene - ESC-Freiwilligendienst in Baia Mare, Rumänien

Volunteering opportunity from September to December 2023 (the latest)! Looking for ESC partners and support organisations from the EU!

Are you looking to volunteer with the European Solidarity Corps program? We started our second year from our strategic long-term plan and YOU can be part of it! Help us achieve part of our vision and work together to improve the local community of Baia Mare, Romania.

If you are 18-30 years old, resident in a EU state and getting to know a wonderful countryside, friendly people, meet new cultures and people of all ages, challenge yourself, work side by side with a young team and learn valuable life skills sounds like a plan, this opportunity is for you!

More details in CALL:



POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier
tel/fax: (+40) 362 412 361 | mobile:  (+40) 740 829 607
facebook: Pop.r.flavius
55A Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Romania

[08.08.2023] Partner für Jugendbegegnung in Island gesucht

Dear colleagues,

A local youth council (ages 15-16 years old) from Garðabær, Iceland is looking for partners from Europe, in order to do a youth exchange application before the deadline in October: please find information below:

Theme: sports, health, physical health and culture, getting to know different sports

Message from the kids:  "Hello we are adolescents between the ages of 15-16 from Iceland. We are about 30 kids. The theme we want to explore is sports and culture. We are looking for a group that is willing to work with us on developing this project and hosting us in Easter, in April. We are a part of the youth council in our school and we are really excited to hopefully get to work with you"

Contact point:

Preferred partner countries:

Portugal, Italy, Spain, Monaco, Germany, Greece, Amsterdam, France, Sweden, Denmark

Please contact John Friðrik Bond Grétarsson for any further information (see highlighted email address)

Please note: EU citizens do not need a visa to travel to Iceland. Iceland is in the European Economic Area as well as the Schengen area.

Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad
National Coordinator, Eurodesk Iceland
Borgartún 30, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
+354 515 5845

[02.08.2023] 5 Monate ESC in Bulgarien

Dear Organisations,

The Smokinya Foundation is seeking a dedicated individual to join us for our project "Future 3.0 - Environment, Community, Technology." Currently, we have only one position left for a 5-month commitment, starting as soon as possible.

We would appreciate you to share this call online or with anyone you know who may be interested.

💻 Organisation: Smokinya Foundation

📍 Place: Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Duration: 5 months

ℹ️ Info Pack: Future 3.0

✍️ Apply: Application Form


What to expect as a volunteer?

As a volunteer, you will play a crucial role in supporting our everyday activities, projects, events, school visits, and coordination. Additionally, you will have the unique opportunity to contribute to the design and creation of a youth social hub in Plovdiv. The workload will be distributed as follows: 70% office work, 25% field work, and 5% participation in workshops and training sessions.

What will you gain from this experience?

  • be introduced to the organisation and will be trained how we work
    • get valuable experience in living and volunteering abroad
    • learn each different aspect of an organisation and how it works
    • contact and connect with other international volunteers
    • learn about, contact and cooperate with local schools and universities
    • support our administrative work
    • get trained in organising an event and organise your own

This is an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth, where you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people and the community.

[01.08.2023] 6 Monate Praktikum in Kroatien

Dear everyone,

ESN Croatia opened the call for PR and Social Media Intern and we would love it if some communication enthusiasts are interested to apply and work with us!  🤗
It can be a digital internship, but we would prefer for you to join us in Croatia and attend our national events.

Duration of the internship would be 6 months, starting on 18th of September 2023.

Your role would be related to PR and social media, including, but not limited to:
- preparing materials and visual content for social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok),
- coordinating and supporting the team of seven local Communication Managers,
- approaching creatively to creation of content,
- writing short blog posts for our web page,
- preparing campaigns for promotion of our partner and,
- if present in Croatia, attending our National events while making content for social media and taking photos at the event


- Ability  to communicate in English
- Creative and proactive approach
- Teamwork
- Having a basic understanding of various social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, as well as providing summary of the analytics on a monthly basis
- Familiar with  Canva, Illustrator, Lightroom and video editing programmes (eg. PremierePro or similar)
- Eligible to apply through Erasmus+ or ESC programme

Bonus points if…
- you are familiar with work of ESN and/or Erasmus+ mobility programmes
- you have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, or Diploma in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism or in a relevant field

What are the benefits:
- Working in a creative, dynamic, among youth
- Flexible working schedule
- Participation at our National events (if you are present in Croatia)
- You can choose to do the internship in Croatia or online
- Learning about mobility programmes and higher education stakeholders
- Working directly with the National Board of ESN Croatia

You can find more information about the qualifications and your role as an intern on ErasmusIntern 👉

Deadline to apply is 18th of August until 23:59h. You can send your motivational letter and CV in Europass to the email

We can't wait to read your applications

[27.07.2023] 2 Freiwillige gesucht für ESC-Projekt in Adana, Türkei

Dear potential partners,

We are an accredited association named "Sosyal Fabrika Sustainable Development Association" which is based in Adana, Türkiye. Since we have been working in the ESC programme for many years and looking for volunteers. We would like to build a partnership with you.

Currently we are looking for 1 long term (150 days)  and 1 short term (59 days) volunteers who can start the project on 25th of August. I attached the organization identifier to the mail.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards



Hülya Yıldırım

EU Project Coordinator


[24.07.2023] Italienische Einrichtung sucht Partner für Jugendbegegnung (ERASMUS+)

Dear colleagues,

Our organization is currently waiting for the approval of the request as Lead Organization by our NA.

We've had the accreditation as Hosting and Sending Organization for years and we'd like to join a Youth Exchange project as a partner while waiting for the second accreditation.

Is someone looking for a partner from Italy?

Here is some information about us...

" Officina Giovani is the symbol and the heart of the youth policy of Prato.

It is a youth centre realized in the ex-slaughterhouse of the town where young people can find services and activities that meet their needs and where they can:

  • exercise active citizenship and active participation in activities that meet their interests
  • develop creativity (music, theatre, painting, etc.)
  • foster their autonomy and self-management
  • exchange experience and cooperate to carry out different projects
  • attend courses and improve their competencies
  • receive information of any kind (education, training, mobility, job research, spare time, etc.) and personal counseling
  • develop an intercultural attitude and contribute to a multicultural social development (Prato is nowadays a very multicultural town).

Besides, great attention has been also paid to sport activities, promoted as helpful discipline for cooperation, socialization and personal and balanced development.

Youth policies of the Municipality of Prato have been imagined as a “yard” where young people are educated. This sector of the local institution aims to offer them information and encourage their attendance to events and initiatives, supporting them in activities and events they create themselves (cultural, music and sport events) and promoting the development of youth associations."

Looking forward to hearing from you.

I wish you all a pleasant day.


Best Regards,

Marta Anzilotti



Antenna Eurodesk
Comune di Prato
Piazza dei Macelli, 4 (Prato)
Tel. 0574 183 7708


[23.07.2023] 5 Freiwillige für Projekte im Rahmen des Europ. Solidaritätskorps in Spanien gesucht

Dear colleagues,

First of all, we hope that you are doing well.

Right now, we are looking for new volunteers for our organisation. We want to share this call with you.

This is the link of our call :

If there are any interested people, they can apply from the portal or simply they can fiil this application form: and we can communicate with candidates for next steps. Deadline to fiil application form is 30.07.2023

I am also sending the infopack in my mail.

If you need more details, do not hesitate to contact us.

We thank you for your time and wish you all the best.

We hope to see volunteers in sunny Jerez de le frontera ☀️




Centro Social Blas Infante

Av. de Nazaret, S/N, 11406

Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz

+34 956 25 40 25


[21.07.2023] 3 Monate ESC in Bilbao (Spanien)


The ESC volunteer activity in the BizkaiaGara (BG) project consists of taking part in different actions to promote volunteering and raise awareness among young people about local and international volunteering.

Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain)

Deadline: 01/08/2023

Duration: 3 months, starting in september 2023

🛩 ESC program already approved (accomodation, flights, food, local transport, and pocket money covered)

Apply here:

Attached more info about the project


Alex López



Phone: +34 94 656 92 18 // +34 688 67 94 57
C/ Ronda s-n, 3º Planta Despacho B

48005 - Bilbao - Bizkaia

[21.07.2023] 6 Monate Freiwilligendienst (ESC) in Bilbao, Spanien - Tätigkeit in einem Hostel


The volunteer activity in the BBK Bilbao “Good Hostel” First Reception Centre project in Bolueta (BILBAO) consists of participating in different support and reception actions for people and families seeking international and temporary protection.

Specifically, the TASKS to be carried out by the volunteer will be:
• Support in activities and workshops related to daily life: Spanish, Basque and English classes; school support and coordination with schools; leisure and free time activities; music workshop; sports activities; Christmas camps; specific Christmas activities; extracurricular activities, etc.
• Support and reinforcement of the participation of volunteers in the Centre, ensuring the development of activities, the care of the spaces and the material necessary to carry out the multiple activities they develop.
• Support to the intervention team in relation to the environment (associations, educational centres, civic centres and social centres, etc.).
• Accompaniment and care for the people and families housed in the centre.

Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain)

Deadline: 02/08/2023

Duration: 6 months, starting in september 2023

🛩 ESC program already approved (accomodation, flights, food, local transport, and pocket money covered)


Apply here:

Attached more info about the project


Alex López




Phone: +34 94 656 92 18 // +34 688 67 94 57
C/ Ronda s-n, 3º Planta Despacho B

48005 - Bilbao - Bizkaia

[17.07.2023] Freiwilligendienst in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Tallinn

NGO Youth Club Active  is looking for a long-term volunteer in the European Solidarity Corps program from September 2023.


The long-term goal of this project is to provide to the volunteer an opportunity to learn and develop him/herself through work with children and youngsters in the youth organisation

[10.07.2023] Katalonische Jugendarbeiter suchen Erasmus-Partner für Weiterbildungsprojekt

The Catalan Association of Youth Professionals (ACPJ), is interested in being part of a new European project. Especially, those that are related to the following topics:

  • Youth participation

  • Rural development: improving opportunities for young people in rural environments.

  • The application of Artificial Intelligence tools applied to youth dynamization. 

ACPJ is an organization based in Barcelona, which is formed by a wide network of youth professionals working in different areas of Catalonia. As partners, we could add to the project our experience in the following areas:


  • Organization of conferences, seminars and trainings.

  • Creation of didactic materials

  • Administrative management and dissemination of projects

For more information about our organization, you can visit our web page , and the page on the last European project in which we have participated:

If you have any proposal, or you want more information about our organization, you can contact Maria Ollé, project coordinator of ACPJ, by sending an email to or


[09.07.2023] Ungarischer Verein sucht Eramus-Partner für Jugendaustausch

The Youth for Participation Association is an Erasmus+ accredited organisation with whom we are looking for partners for youth exchanges and training in Hungary in 2023-2024.

Mehr Infos

[03.07.2023] 2 - Monate ESC in Adana (Türkei) in verschiedenen Sozialen Projekten

Volunteers will take an active role in all activities of Sosyal Fabrika listed below.

Sosyal Fabrika offers volunteers:

Individual and team volunteering; International environment;

Volunteering in youth, health, education and sports fields;

Personal and professional development;

Development of soft skills;

Strong and wide international network;

A strong relationship with local authorities;

Set of skills in organization management, networking, entrepreneurship, creativity and creative technology, leadership, communication advertising, project management, budget management, activism, etc.


You can ask for more information and the info pack here:

You can find more information and apply here:
[29.06.2023] 6 - Monate ESC in Rumänien im einem Jugendinformationszentrum

The ESC VOLUNTEERING PROJECT aims to address multiple challenges faced by the community in Center North Dambovita, Romania.

The objectives include improving the participation of youth in civic and democratic life, promoting active citizenship and environmental education, promoting healthy life style, supporting young people in accessing volunteering and educational opportunities, and promoting tolerance, inclusion, and diversity.

The project includes various activities such as workshops, consultations, campaigns, and a Help Desk YOUth Point, which will involve ESC volunteers to achieve successfully the objectives and impact our local community.

They are looking for multiple volunteers for different projects in the community.

You can find the available spots here:



[27.06.2023] 1 - Monat ESC Team Projekt in Malaga (Spanien) bei den EUSA Beach Games

The European Solidarity Corps team project is a 30 DAYS initiative aimed at promoting youth empowerment and intercultural dialogue, from 5th of September till 5th of October, in Malaga, Spain.

The project will involve a team of 25 volunteers from different European countries, who will work together to organize a series of events and activities in local communities connected to


  1. To promote youth empowerment by providing opportunities for young people to develop their skills, leadership abilities, and self-confidence.
  2. To foster intercultural dialogue by bringing together young people from different backgrounds and encouraging them to learn from one another.
  3. To create a positive impact on local communities by organizing events and activities that address community needs and promote social inclusion.

The European Solidarity Corps team project will bring together a diverse group of young volunteers from across Europe to work towards a common goal of promoting youth empowerment and intercultural dialogue. Through a series of activities and events, the volunteers will develop their skills and gain valuable experience in project management, leadership, and communication. They will also have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives and to form lasting relationships with one another. Ultimately, the project aims to create a positive impact on local communities and to inspire a sense of solidarity and cooperation among European youth.



Volunteer activities provide an exciting opportunity to work with young people in a fun and dynamic environment. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for organizing and leading games and tournaments for local youth, as well as developing training programs to help athletes improve their skills. In addition, you will work closely with other volunteers and community organizations to promote participation in the activities and to provide guidance and mentorship to young athletes. Through your work, you will help to promote physical activity, social interaction, and healthy lifestyle choices among local youth, while also fostering a sense of community and teamwork.

As a volunteer for a Beach Handball and a Beach Volleyball championship, you will play a critical role in ensuring the success of the event. Your tasks may include:

  1. Event setup: Help with the setup of the event, including setting up tents, tables, chairs, and other equipment.
  2. Registration: Assist with the registration process for athletes, coaches, and other participants.
  3. Hospitality: Assist with providing hospitality to athletes, coaches, and other participants, including distributing food and beverages.
  4. Crowd management: Help to manage the crowds during the competition, including directing people to the appropriate areas and ensuring safety.
  5. Scorekeeping: Assist with keeping score and managing the tournament brackets.
  6. Refereeing: Serve as a referee for the competition, ensuring that rules are followed and disputes are resolved.
  7. Medical assistance: Provide medical assistance as needed, including first aid and emergency care.
  8. Event breakdown: Assist with the breakdown of the event, including taking down equipment and cleaning up the venue.



Beach Handball and a Beach Volleyball championship is a high-profile event that attracts athletes, coaches, and spectators from around the world. As a volunteer, you will be an essential part of the event, providing critical support to ensure that it runs smoothly and safely. Your tasks may include event setup, registration, hospitality, crowd management, scorekeeping, refereeing, medical assistance, and event breakdown. Through your work, you will play a vital role in creating a positive experience for all participants and spectators, while also gaining valuable experience in event management, crowd control, and customer service.


You can find more information here:

More information about the EUSA Beach Games:

You can apply here:

[23.06.2023] Jugendgruppe aus Polen sucht nach Partnergruppen für einen Austausch in Polen vom 23.-30.07.2023

A group of young people from Opolskie Region, Poland (mostly youth council members, aged 15-19 y.o) is looking for one more partner group for the Youth Exchange, held in Bukowina Tatrzańska, Poland, 23-30 of July.

The young team wants to organize an exchange about the personal development, healthy lifestyle&sport&nature and breaking the personal boundaries. They are looking for a group of 6 young people + 1 leader.
It is important for them to have a team in similar age (also incl. some minors).
The youth exchange is organized within Erasmus+ accreditation of coordinating NGO, so long-term cooperation after the exchange is possible and welcomed :)
For the details, and if you have any questions please contact:
[23.06.2023] 5-7 Monate ESC in Baia Mare (Rumänien) in interkulturellen Projekten


Starting from the needs of the local community, identified by the organisation team for youth the project is developed on two main topics:

  1. Creating an open and tolerant society – 4 volunteers will be involved in working on the topic of interculturality and acceptance: presentations of the volunteers’ county, meeting in schools and highschools about volunteering, language workshops, book & movie clubs, actions to provide support for marginalized communities, awareness raising campaigns on different topics and activities in public spaces connected to international days.
  2. Developing skills needed for young people in the upcoming European job market – 4 volunteers will be involved in working on our ”learnity” and digital skills departments: workshops on writing CVs and motivation letters, role play interviews, workshops on digital skills, cybersecurity, fake news and other activities meant to boost the employability skills of youth from the local community.

After participating in these projects, the volunteers will gain a set of competences and skills (”soft” and ”life” skills included) that will help them in their future. Secondly, they will also get the chance to discover a new culture, meet new people, study a new language and improved their communication skills in English.

Each volunteer mobility is divided into several stages:

(a) The first month represent the accommodation period. They meet the collaborative public institutions, in which the volunteers will have activities and plan things according to their capacity. They will be slowly introduced to the work-style and spaces of the local organisation.

(b) The next months consists in the actual implementation of the activities. This period is the bulk of the project. In order for things to be structured, the volunteers will have to prepare, implement and evaluate activities in the office, public spaces and partner institutions. They will propose initiatives, they will be directly involved in bringing information to young people in the local community and to interact with them.  We hope the volunteer will develop a routine and join ongoing activities, while taking a more active role in the two main topics of the project. They will evaluate and receive feedback on their progress.

(c) The last part stage consists in measuring the impact, gathering and summarizing the results of all activities, as well as to complete the Youthpass certificate.


Accomondation, food, transport, ... :

Accommodation in rented flats, together with other volunteers and even the room if its needed! The flats are located in the town, have access to public transport, shops and entertainment facilities. The flats are equipped with WiFi, furniture, beds, bed sheets, cutlery, toiletries. The volunteers are responsible for the cleaning and maintaining of the flat. All expenses are paid (and the rent) by the project.

Volunteers receive 150 E per month as food money. Local transportation for activities can be reimbursed.

International travel expenses are also reimbursed up to a limit! The volunteers are encouraged to opt for green travel – to avoid using planes – as the protection of the environment is also part of our ongoing strategy. More financial support and time is provided for the green travel.

Pocket money (3 E per day) is provided!



We provide logistic support in the activities. The volunteers will also take part in On Arrival Training and Mid Term, organized nationally. Apart from these, the volunteers have Romanian online language lessons included in their schedule. They will undergo short workshops and trainings on several topics to assist them in implementing their activities. Importantly, all this will be done using non formal education methods to work.

Most importantly. you will be supported by an organisation from their home country with the role of sending/support organisation.


Participant Profile:

Therefore, the ideal profile we would like is:

  • responsible persons with open mind.
  • communicative, friendly and positive attitude.
  • interest in the topic of the project: either in activity 1 or 2, or in both.
  • able to follow an activity plan, and also to prepare and lead an activity.
  • comfortable with working with all age groups (with the focus of young people).
  • between 18 and 30 years of age.
  • serious and motivated persons, ready to get actively involved in the local community,
  • national of any EU state, preferably, but not required – because of viza issues (no budget for visa).
  • good knowledge of English BUT ready to learn a new language (Romanian).
  • assume the role of a cultural ambassador for the country they come from, and work towards reducing stereotypes, racism and marginalization in the groups he will work with.
  • committed to a long-term project in the local community.
  • attentive to the needs of the young people the volunteer will work with, and to the needs of our organization.
  • interested in supporting the activities of other institutions they will work with and the activities they do.

Participants are accepted regardless of gender, beliefs, preferences, level of education!

In conclusion, you must be able to stay the full duration of the project!!!

You can find more information and apply here:

You can also find more information and ask questions here:

[15.06.2023] 9-Monate ESC in Grenada (Spanien) in verschiedenen Kultur- und Nachhaltigkeitsprojekten in einem Jugendzentrum

The Jouth Centre Espacio Joven – Ayuntamiento de Maracena is looking for ESC volunteers to take part in different activities of their youth centre.

The ESC volunteers will be part of a team of five volunteers who will bring along their own cultural background and personal knowledge.

The project is titled: " A new way to learn"  and embraces values such as social inclusion and promotes non-formal education, youth mobility development as well as the interplay between different cultures, and most importantly environmental-friendly practices.

For more information you can request the Infopack from this email adress:

If you want to apply you can send your CV and a motivation letter to the email adress above.

[15.06.2023] 12-Monate in Cormontreuil (Frankreich) in einem inklusiven Kulturprojekt

The Marc Toussaint House is a lodging and day care center for disabled adults. The center is located in the suburbs of Reims, a city with more than 200,000 inhabitants with all the facilities.

The volunteer will take part in leisure activities such as handicrafts, computer workshops, snoezelen, outings, games, well being and adapted sport activities… He/She will work with another European volunteer, French volunteers and two activity leaders. Having a basic knowledge of the French language is necessary. Candidates have to know that it is usually a bit shocking at the beginning but after a short time, the experience is very enriching by learning how to communicate with them.

Participant profile:

This is a perfect place for those who wants to live an experience in the social field. Some human qualities as sense of listening, patience and skills to communicate are needed and will be developed. The volunteers have to like helping other people, be ready to overcome some gestures of the everyday life. A minimum of initiative sense will also be required. A basic knowledge of French is necessary. He/she should show the willingness to learn French during the voluntary stay.

Here you can find more information:



To apply please fill out this form:

[15.06.2023] 9-Monate ESC in Bazeilles (Frankreich) in einem beruflichen Gymnasium im Bereich Englisch und Deutsch

Bazeilles High School is a public high school focused on the education for the hotel trade, restaurant industry and tourism. They provide vocational training for pupils aged between 15 and 20. The school is located in a rural environment, in a town of 2,000 inhabitants. The school offers its students, teachers and workers the opportunity to get involved in the international projects, to develop a sense of European citizenship and identity.

The volunteer supports the learning of foreign language with non-formal methodes. The volunteer helps to implement different intercultural activities such as building up the knowledge about Erasmus+ exchange possibilities, introducing his/her culture by various means, organizing sport events, movie evenings with discussions in English or German, integration days for new students etc. A lot of activities are based on non-formal education methods outside of the classroom as a tool to improve their foreign language skills and to know other culture.

The volunteer must be interested in Education and especially in vocational training in the field of restaurant and tourism. He/she should be able to take initiative and communicate easily with students. An essential skill will be basic knowledge in French and, most of all, that he shows the willing to express himself in French. The volunteer should also consider the rural environment and the difficulties with local transport. Finally, Bazeilles High school expects to host a German speaker.

Here you can find more information:



To apply please fill out this form:



[13.06.2023] 12-Monate ESC in Le Mans (Frankreich) im Bereich Jugendarbeit

The organisation  “The House of Europe”,  located in the city of Le Mans, is looking for volunteers for their next project.

They have 14 different projects. All volunteer missions are for 11 months, from 23rd of August 2023 to end of July 2024. And they all take place in or near the city of Le Mans, where the volunteers will live.

You can find more information about the projects here:  

You can also find the application form on that website.

If you have any questions you can contact:

[12.06.2023] Partnerorganisationen für einen Jugendaustausch in Malaga (Spanien) gesucht

Intercambia Malaga is looking for partners for an upcoming Erasmus+ Youth Contact Making Seminar, scheduled to take place in Malaga in Spring 2024. The primary focus of this seminar will be to develop a youth exchange program targeting young people under 18 years old. They are looking for enthusiastic organizations and institutions to collaborate on this project and contribute to the success of the seminar.

If you are interested please contact:

[08.06.2023] 10-Monate ESC in Frankreich in einem Jugendinformationszentrum

Le Centre Information Jeunesse Val d'Oise (CIJ) / The Youth Information Centre (YIC) makes part of a national information network which aims at informing young people, parents and youth professionals on any subjects of interest or concern in their daily life (employment, education, jobs, culture and hobbies, health, internships, housing, European mobility and citizenship etc.).
The YIC is an association existing since 1979, and leads the Youth Information network at the regional level. It is in charge of the coordination and animation of the structures’ network on the Val d’Oise territory (French department).

Its main activities consist in :
● Meet and inform the public freely, anonymously and with or without appointment
● Giving advice and support to local structures in matters of youth issues
● Creating pedagogical tools for youth professionals
● Editing documentation of quality for the public
● Keep up with youth public policies and giving support to its elaboration

The association also has two european labels called Europe Direct and Eurodesk which make it highly engaged in european values and the development of european citizenship. Europe Direct network’s goal is to inform and raise citizens’ awareness about Europe in its whole (how european institutions work, the european policies and programmes, what does the E.U do for its citizens, the different cultures in Europe etc.)

The other label of the YIC is more specialized on european mobility. It informs the public about mobility opportunities across Europe and gives individual support and advice to young people who have a mobility project.

To achieve its european missions it leads several actions:
● Be a first point of contact for people seeking information about Europe by welcoming them in the structure
on a daily basis and offer them individual meetings if needed
● Providing and editing documentation about Europe
● Inform and raise awareness on european opportunities and realities through conferences, workshops,
debates, cultural events etc.

The YIC currently employs 13 people and has been working with volunteers for many years (4 volunteers for 2023). The team is used to work in cohesion and give importance to work in a good atmosphere. The 3 other volunteers will be in charge of helping with young activities like workshops, events, social media…


Project description : Promoting mobility and citizenship in Europe

The project will take place from August 25th 2023 to June 2024 (including time off)

The main missions will be:
- To participate in the local activities of the association: workshops with young people or at school, fairs, meetings, cultural events…
- To help promoting mobility and develop the mobility centre within the association
- To propose activities like Polyglot coffees, debates, workshops in schools…
- To be a part of the International Welcome Desk which providing a better welcome for international students, facilitating their administrative formalities, providing support for their arrival and access to the opportunities offered by the campus
- To help developing foreign students communities (events, cultural activities)
- To participate in projects with the volunteers (French or international) of the association
- To help the project manager in the preparation of the activities (communication, flyers’ creation, social media)
- The volunteer will participate in a regional project with other European volunteers (once a week)
- The volunteer can also create and lead his/her own proper project


Volunteer’s environment and facilities:

The association is located in the urban area of Cergy-Pontoise, more precisely in the city of Cergy, in the suburbs of Paris (approximately 45 minutes away from the capital city by train). The volunteer will be accommodated in a student residence near the YIC and will be provided a transportation card to move across the city. Cergy-Pontoise has a good transportation network (train, bus, bike paths) which will allow the volunteer to move easily across the region.
The urban area of Cergy-Pontoise is welcoming and lively as it offers many activities (theatres, movie theatres, swimming pools, skating rink, sports and cultural associations, leisure centre, shopping centre, libraries).

Concerning food, he/she will have the choice between a variety of restaurants and cafeterias or the association’s kitchen. He/she will have the possibility to have lunch with the team especially with other volunteers to get integrated and create relationships more easily. A bike is available for the volunteer, otherwise there is a bus station just in front the door of the flat. Moreover, the volunteer will live in a multicultural environment as the city hosts the University of Cergy-Pontoise which is one of the major higher education poles of Ile de France (Paris region). The campus counts 27 000 students and many international students. It is frequently a place where cultural events take place and it hosts various student associations which bring life to the campus. Living in Cergy-Pontoise would be a good way for the volunteer to discover and explore France because he/she could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Val d’Oise and have easy access to the capital to visit and go sightseeing at the same time.


If you are inetersted you can find more information here: : and here:

You can apply until the 10.07.2023.

If you want to apply please send your CV and a letter/video/drawing/...  showing your motivation to:

[08.06.2023]10-Monate ESC in Frankreich im Bereich Jugendarbeit
The organsiation Graulhet's MJC  is looking for 2 volunteers.
With the aim of spreading european values and culture, the volunteers will take part in activities with the youth and the cultural programmation :
  • Homework assistance
  • Hobbies activities and class (7 to 17 years old), outside activities, trips
  • Help for information and youth projects: employment, mobility, school orientation, studies, housing, training, vacations, hobbies, culture and health (13 to 30 years old)
  • Participation in the organization of cultural events
  • Participation in the intercultural youth project with other MJC
  • Organization of a special event for the Europe Month in May 2024 with other volunteers of the MJC territory

If you are interested you can check out the info pack:

and fill out this form:

If you have any questions or want to apply please contact

[02.06.2023]10-Monate ESC in Caen & Rouen (Frankreich) im Bereich Jugendarbeit

The Regional Youth Information Center Normandy (Info Jeunes Normandie) is looking for 2 european volunteers to promote European citizenship and youth international mobility to local youth.

The organisation:

The Regional Youth Information Center, known as Info Jeunes Normandie, is located in the cities of Caen and Rouen, in Normandy region (France). Each year, our team welcome french and european volunteers.
Our aim is to welcome and inform young people on different topics such as: studies and trainings, employment, summer and student jobs, civil and social rights, youth international
mobility, European citizenship...
We are a head of a regional network of professional youthworkers. We collaborate with secondary schools, universities, municipalities, youth centers, etc.

The project that the volunteers will work on:

Raise the awareness of local youth by preparing and performing workshops in schools, participating in local fairs, contributing to various events, recording podcasts on local radios, etc.
Encourage intercultural dialogue with the public by developing pedagogical tools and methods in order to talk about European citizenship
Contribute to create several events in May 2024 in the frame of the European Day celebration (called “Joli Mois de l’Europe”)
Participate in actions such as afterworks, informative workshops and local fairs
Help the team to realise its actions throughout the year.

If you are interested you can find more information here:

You can apply until the 09.07.2023 by sending your CV and a motivation letter to:

[01.06.2023] 8-Monate ESC in Isle (Frankreich) im Bereich Jugendmobilität

The town twinning association of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ACJNA) is looking for one volunteer for one volunteering project in France.

Objectives : Promoting youth mobility into town twinning in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Ensuring a better implication of young people into town twinning in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Activities : Sharing his/her mobility experience with young people involved in twinning in the region, Promote volunteering in the twinning network in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Informing young people from town twinning about the opportunities of international mobility and youth initiatives, Helping twinning committees on their mobility projects, Participating to build and animate trainings about mobility, Helping to communicate and promote European and international mobility, Accompanying the setup of a large federative regional project with an European dimension for young people.

If you are interested you can find more information here:

If you want to apply please send a CV and a cover letter (in french or english) to:


[31.05.2023] 12-Monate ESC in Leszno (Polen) im Bereich Gesundheit und Kinder- & Jugendarbeit

Activities of the volunteer:

Raise awareness on mental health precisely self harm & suicide topics.

August will bring local festival events October, focus on the mental health of young people and the celebration of Erasmus + Days promotion and dissemination on mobility of the EU project and youth information platforms. November fighting depression, activities will be aimed at young people and parents.

December, in cooperation with the authorities of the City of Leszno, we will conduct a Volunteer Gala on the occasion of the International Volunteer Day. 2024 the beginning of the year is associated with more ecological and sports activities.

January, to be promoted vegetarianism, minimise packaging.

2024 March, we will promote attitudes of tolerance, counteract violence and fight racial discrimination through activities promoting various cultures. 2024 April is the month of physical activity and the fight against stress.

2023 May and June months of promoting EU mobility projects,

You can find more information here:

You can apply here:
If you have any questions you can contact:
[30.05.2023] 9-Moante ESC in Lannion (Frankreich) im Bereich Jugendarbeit

The volunteer:

-will take part in animations of the residence and will develop the link between the young people

-will participate in the animation of the cafeteria space located in Espace St Anne (see additional informations)

-participate in the animation of the bar expo concert Le Pixie: realization of exhibitions, local events around the arts (dance, theater, ...), sports.

-will propose and animate cultural and linguistic animations related to the culture of its home country

-will take part in the promotion of awareness-raising actions on European mobility (Information and presentation of mobility schemes)

-will participate in the promotion of the commitment, citizen involvement of residents in the territory

-will participate in projects related to the youth service of the city of Lannion on the themes of youth and youth engagement.

You can find more information and apply here:

If you hava any questions you can contact:

[25.05.2023] 8-Monate ESC in Malaga (Spanien) im Bereich Integration

The Asociación Marroqui (Para La Integración De Los Inmigrantes) is looking for 3 volunteers for their projects.

The mission of the organisation is to facilitate the access to resources and services that permit immigrant people to integrate into the Spanish society through specific and customized resources aimed to help to our users to lower the level of their vulnerability and/or withstand the situation of social exclusion. We place the focus on immigrant people as we believe they are a vehicle of development both for the Spanish society and their countries of origin.

Details of the ESC :

  • Location: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 06/10/2023
  • End: 30/06/2024
  • Duration: 8 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply:  20.06.23

More information here:


[27.05.2023] 9 - 10 Monate ESC in verschiedenen Schulen und Jugendinformationen in Frankreich
Info Jeunes Lorient is looking for five ESC volunteers from October 2023 to June/July 2024 (project Move Your Hope)
The missions will take place in Lorient (Brittany region in France)
3 missions in schools :
- High school Saint-Louis -
- High school Notre Dame de la Paix
- High school Saint-Joseph and Primary School Saint Christophe
2 missions in youth associations :
- Info Jeunes Lorient (Lorient Youth Center) - Youth information and media, international mobility ambassador
- Résidence Les Grands Larges (youth housing) - Youth sustainable development awareness
If you have any questions you can contact them here:
[24.05.2023] 10-Monate ESC in Slowenien im Bereich Kinder- & Jugendarbeit

The Mladinski EPI center Piran is looking for2 volunteers for their youth center.

The Mladinski EPI center Piran is a youth center in the coast of Slovenia.

They are looking for motivated young people that would like to work with youth and children, and help in creating the daily programme of their youth center (socializing with youth, playing sports and board games, helping with homework, planning smaller events, promoting Erasmus+ & ESC projects, taking photos, publishing updates on Facebook and Instagram…).

If you like working with youth and enjoy making videos this is the project for you ;)

You can read all about the project and volunteers activities here:

If you wish to apply for this project please fill out this APPLICATION FORM:

[23.05.2023] Jugendrat für einen Austausch mit einem polnischen Jugendrat gesucht
A polish youth council is looking for youth councils all over europe for an exchange this year (October - December 2023)
If you are interested please contact:
[23.05.2023] Partner für einen Jugendaustausch in Polen gesucht

Eurodesk Poland has a group of young people (minors - 14-20 y.o. from the local youth council) who are looking for the partners for a youth exchange in Poland, in July 2023.

They are a accredited organization in E+, they already have a grant for that exchange and their group is looking for 1 more partner group to do it together.
They already have  partners from Spain and Georgia, so they are looking for a group (6 young people + 1 leader) from another country.
If you have somebody who can be interested or you can spread the word - that would be great.
For the details, and if you have any questions, please contact:
[11.05.2023] 10-Monate ESC Projekt in Bilbao (Spanien) im Bereich Kinder & Jugendarbeit

The organisation "Kiribil Sarea" wants to host 1 European volunteer in Bilbao, (Basque Country), during 10 months.

The activities in which the european volunteers will colaborate are:

√ Programmes with Children (between 5 and 11 years old) and Teenegers (between 12 and 17 years old): - Design and planning of socio-educational activities - Development of the activities, (based on non-formal education and Educational Leisure) - Direct intervention with children & teenegers - Evaluation of activities and programmes

√ School reinforcement programmes (12-16 years) - Help with homework and study habits of unprotected adolescents - Reading reinforcement with teenagers √ Special programmes: - Day trips (mountains, villages, special activities) - Special activities for cultural celebrations, (Christmas, anniversaries, city festival, etc...)

√ Share the ESC among the young people: - Help in the diffusion of the ESC, (online campaign, workshops,…) - Create material to explain ESC

Dates: 01.09.2023 - 31.07.2024

Application Deadline: 05.06.2023

If you are interested you can find more information & apply here:

[09.05.2023] 12-Monate ESC-Projekt in Tudela (Spanien) im Bereich Soziales

"Fundación Tudela Comparte", located in Tudela (Navarra, Spain), promoter of the VILLA JAVIER 2022-2-ES02-ESC51-VTJ-000091734 project, approved by the European Solidarity Corps, assists people at risk of poverty or social exclusion providing them with food and training.

The foundation is looking for two young volunteers to collaborate on this project for 12 months. It is necessary for the volunteer to have a basic/intermediate level of Spanish, the ability to work in a team and sufficient initiative.

They will participate in three types of tasks: organizing and serving food in a solidarity soup kitchen for adults, accompanying families in a solidarity food store and caring for small children in a toy library.

More information can be found at: and at

If you are interested, write to providing the CV and the LM. Then a video interview can be set up.

[04.05.2023] 8-Monate ESC Projekt in Lannion (Bretagne) im Bereich Jugenarbeit

As part of the development and promotion of international mobility, the town of Lannion is looking for 2 European Volunteers (via the European Solidarity Corps – CES). The volunteers will carry out their mission within the town of Lannion, as members of the Youth Department (working with 15-25 year olds).

The town of Lannion is a medium-sized municipality (≈ 20,000 inhabitants) located on the north coast of Brittany. It hosts about 4,000 students every year.

The Youth Departments objectives are to inform and guide young people from 15 to 25 years of age, to enhance the potential of young people and to promote the voice of the youth in the life of the municipality.

It's mission is to promote international mobility and the notion of a gap year among young people aged 15 to 25/To create and organize info sessions about various mobility schemes and ways to travel.

The volunteer will help to create and disseminate PR contents regarding the flagship events organized by the Youth Department and/or by young people and their associations.
They will create audio/video/podcast content to report on youth events  and the life of young people. And they will assist the team in the implementation of other projects, such as running the Cafeteria at Espace Ste Anne on Thursday afternoons.
Personal initiatives and projects will be encouraged and promoted.

Dates: 02.10.2023 - 30.06.2024

Application Deadline: 30.06.2023

If you are interested you can find more information here:

You could also contact:

[26.04.2023] 6-Monate ESC Projekt in Lyon in generationenübergreifenden Projekten

The volunteer will support the Centre social Quartier Vitalité staff, with the main goal to lead projects responding to the population of our place, especially to the up to 60 years old (solitude, social breakdown). They will offer pedagogical and educational activities with children and young people.

The organization offers several services and activities answering the needs of the locals from Lyon city :

– Leisure time activities for children from 3 to 17 years old ;- Youth project from 11 to 25 years old ;
– Educational support for children ; help with their homework ;
– Social support for families ;- Social support for isolated people ;
– Support for holiday departure and family outings ;
– Support for inhabitants’ initiatives ;
– Organization of manifestations and events in the neighborhood.

Firstly, the volunteer will support the Centre social Quartier Vitalité staff, with the main goal to lead projects responding to the population of our place, especially to the up to 60 years old (solitude, social breakdown, …).

Secondly, the volunteer will offer pedagogical and educational activities with children and young people.

If you are interested you can apply and find more information here:

You can also contact:

Lucie Rozier


[26.04.2023] 1-Monat ESC Team Projekt in Malaga auf den EUSA Beachgames

The European Solidarity Corps team project is a 30 DAYS initiative aimed at promoting youth empowerment and intercultural dialogue, from 5th of September till 5th of October, in Malaga, Spain.

The project will involve a team of 25 volunteers from different European countries, who will work together to organize a series of events and activities in local communities connected to the EUSA Beachgames.

The European Solidarity Corps team project will bring together a diverse group of young volunteers from across Europe to work towards a common goal of promoting youth empowerment and intercultural dialogue. Through a series of activities and events, the volunteers will develop their skills and gain valuable experience in project management, leadership, and communication. They will also have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives and to form lasting relationships with one another. Ultimately, the project aims to create a positive impact on local communities and to inspire a sense of solidarity and cooperation among European youth.

The European Solidarity Corps team project provides funding to support the implementation of the project. This funding covers a variety of costs associated with the project, including:

  1. Travel expenses: The funding can cover travel expenses to and from the project location for the volunteers, as well as any necessary travel during the project.
  2. Accommodation and subsistence: The funding can cover the costs of accommodation and subsistence for the volunteers during the project period.
  3. Insurance: The funding can cover the costs of insurance for the volunteers, including health insurance and liability insurance.
  4. Project materials and equipment: The funding can cover the costs of any materials or equipment needed for the project, such as workshop materials or tools for community service projects.
  5. Training and support: The funding can cover the costs of any necessary training or support for the volunteers, including language classes or project management training.

Volunteer activities provide an exciting opportunity to work with young people in a fun and dynamic environment. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for organizing and leading games and tournaments for local youth, as well as developing training programs to help athletes improve their skills. In addition, you will work closely with other volunteers and community organizations to promote participation in the activities and to provide guidance and mentorship to young athletes. Through your work, you will help to promote physical activity, social interaction, and healthy lifestyle choices among local youth, while also fostering a sense of community and teamwork.

As a volunteer for a Beach Handball and a Beach Volleyball championship, you will play a critical role in ensuring the success of the event. Your tasks may include:

  1. Event setup: Help with the setup of the event, including setting up tents, tables, chairs, and other equipment.
  2. Registration: Assist with the registration process for athletes, coaches, and other participants.
  3. Hospitality: Assist with providing hospitality to athletes, coaches, and other participants, including distributing food and beverages.
  4. Crowd management: Help to manage the crowds during the competition, including directing people to the appropriate areas and ensuring safety.
  5. Scorekeeping: Assist with keeping score and managing the tournament brackets.
  6. Refereeing: Serve as a referee for the competition, ensuring that rules are followed and disputes are resolved.
  7. Medical assistance: Provide medical assistance as needed, including first aid and emergency care.
  8. Event breakdown: Assist with the breakdown of the event, including taking down equipment and cleaning up the venue.

If you are interested you can apply and find more information here:

[24.04.2023] 4 Freiwillige für ein-jährige EVS Projekte in der Schweiz gesucht

The ICYE Switzerland is looking for 11 European Volunteers in the framework of the EVS programme every year. 8 positions are already filled and they are now searching for volunteers for the following projects:

Ton sur Ton (French speaking part) 1 volunteer (specifically for the communication team/adjusted PDF attached), start:15.09.2023

Synergy Village (German speaking part) 1 volunteer – immediately possible / ongoing

Sensorium (German speaking part) 1 volunteer/Basic German required (added additional position), start: 01.09.2023

KiM Jugendland (German speaking part) Basic German a plus- 1 volunteer, start:01.07.2023

If you are interested you can apply until 31.05.2023

You can apply and find more information here:

[19.04.2023] Partner für den International Non-Formal Education Congress in Lublin gesucht

The Orgnaisation Sempre a Frente Foundation from Poland is looking for Partners, who work with in the field of non-formal education and implementing such methodology daily work. They are looking for organizations who want to partner with them in a training course and international Non-Formal-Education Congress in Lublin to share best practises and methodologies with youth workes and non formal practitioners from Europe.

The training course CreActivities is aimed at youth workers and experienced NGO volunteers who use non-formal education methods in their daily work.

During their stay in Poland, participants will learn about creative methods of youth work that will better engage young people in organizations and local communities. The training will broaden knowledge of available tools and work opportunities, and will be a time for exchange of experiences between organizations, especially in terms of non formal methods. During the training we will also pay attention to the mental health of young people and how to adapt the methods used to groups that face different difficulties. Participants will be able to also attend the first International Non-Formal Education Congress in Lublin which will be held at Marie Curie Skłodowska University. Participants will hear from experts in the field, and will themselves be able to share their knowledge and the experience they have gained in their work. What's more important you can also share your best practices at the Congress!


- to expand knowledge and competencies related to creative methods of non formal education in supporting wellbeing of young people and development of their psycho-social and civic competences

- learning new, creative, innovative techniques of non formal education

- gaining knowledge and exchanging experiences with experts during a conference on non formal education

- networking and presenting best practises and projects of the organization

- understanding the links between formal and non formal education

- increasing competencies that will contribute to better quality of work and activities in youth work

-improving language and digital competencies

-learning new group work techniques and online methods for youth work


Dates: 07.06.23 -15.06.2023

You can find more information here:,26136.htm

[26.04.2023] 8-Monate ESC in Santa Maria de los Angeles (Spanien) im Bereich Jugendarbeit

The volunteer project covers four main work areas: social and cultural activities, linguistic exchange, cultural exchange, and raising awareness about environmental issues. All this is based on the joint commitment to the environment and community. The framework educates the youth as participatory and creative individuals, in the broader construction of a non-violent, just, equal, and respecting human rights society. In addition, the objectives are to promote and integrate the value of interculturalism, appreciation, and respect for diversity, raise environmental values and adopt attitudes that promote sustainable development.

This project is carried out by CES Santa Maria de Los Angeles, the center for secondary education in the city of Malaga. This city is situated in Southern Spain in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is a cosmopolitan coastal city with a warm climate and has important cultural diversity. Our Association is founded for the youth who come from different social classes, cultures, and geographical locations. Our area of influence extends to the Carranque region, an area with a middle-low socioeconomic level, and where our Association has an important influence, both by its openness and by the activities it promotes.

The hosting organization wants to take the European reality into its classrooms and they think the best way to do that is to have volunteers from different countries. The volunteers will become a point of reference for the students who will realize that living and working abroad as a volunteer is a great opportunity. Moreover, the volunteers will show European diversity and how rich it is.

The volunteers will have some specific tasks such as:

  • to do presentations about the country and the culture
  • to give non-formal English and/or German and/or French lessons to students and organize English conversation groups with teachers
  • to collaborate with DACE (Departamento de Actividades Culturales y Extraescolares) on cultural activities in the school
  • to update social networks such as school blogs, websites, Facebook, etc.
  • to organize some workshops for students to develop international partnerships: Erasmus, Leonardo, Youth in action, etc.

If you are interested you can apply until 18.05.2023.

You can find more information an contact details here:

[26.04.2023] 11-Monate ESC in Malaga (Spanien) im Bereich Jugendarbeit

The project is by the foundation Alonso Quijano. It is a non-profit private and independent institution, the aim of which is to contribute with the integral development of the human being through the promotion of the cultural and educational initiatives, especially the ones which are orientated to the promotion of reading.

Volunteers will participate in the following activities:

  • Volunteering in the Mother and Child Hospital of Malaga, in the project «Get better with books», Mondays and Thursdays, from 16:15 to 18:00. It consists of going to the rooms of the children and lend them books. Volunteers will be accompanied and guided by the responsible for volunteering.
  • Support and collaboration in the Program «Spanish for immigrants». This takes place throughout the week. The volunteer will inform the students of the program, organize the material, and plan the class planning putting in relation students and teachers.
  • Organization of digital and printed material (books, magazines, encyclopedias and varied documents that need classification.
  • In the project «Books for the World», the Foundation receives constantly donations of books. The volunteer will select according to their usage, organize and classify them, as well as help with the packing and transport.
  • Support with the regular update of the Foundation’s web site: management of e-mail, revision of texts and images of the website, the introduction of new contents and update of details.
  • Collaboration with the project «Mini libraries Alonso Quijano»: selection and classification of donated books; elaboration of packs for the different libraries; setting up of mini-libraries; coordination, with the responsible people from the organization, to carry out monitoring of the use of the different mini-libraries.
  • The volunteer will help with the everyday paperwork tasks in the Foundation, such as answering the phone, informing members and subscribers and helping with the billing system, sending the mail…

If you are interessted you can apply until 28.05.2023.

You can find more information and contact details here:


[12.04.2023] Junge Teilnehmer*innen für das Projekt "Nantes Creative Generations" gesucht

Since 2009, Nantes Métropole organises the Nantes Creative Generations. This event brings young European project leaders to meet young project leaders from Nantes.

We are therefore looking for young people from your cities who are carrying out projects that promote "living together".

Some conditions of participation:

- be between 18 and 30 years old
- Have a project that promotes living together (maximum 2 delegates per project)
- Be available to present it in Nantes from 24 to 27 October 2023

We will take care of accommodation, activities and food on site for the whole event. For transport, participants will be offered an interrail pass to travel by train or a reimbursement of up to 400€/person for those unable to travel by train.

You can submit your project and apply until 26.05.2023 .

You can find more Information here:

And you can also contact:

[03.04.2023] 12-Monate ESC in Pamplona (Spanien) im Bereich Fairtrade

The Project is by SETEM Navarra-Nafarroa, which is a development and a volunteer-based NGO.

SETEM's goal is to raise awareness in our society about North-South inequalities, report their causes and promote social, individual and collective changes, to achieve a fairer and more solidary world.

We offer you to take part in: • Day to day activities of awareness about Fairtrade and Responsible Consumption • Management of our Fairtrade shop and stalls in fairs • Participate in our campaigns such as Clean Clothes Campaign ( • The promotion of the Alternative and Solidarity Economy • Managing the organization’s social media accounts • Once the volunteer gets to discover the workfield of the organization he or she could make his or her project/s according to their knowledge, profile, skills... and related to SETEM's work.

The project is located in Pamplona, capital of Navarra,Spain. Our office and Fair Trade shop is placed in the city centre. First the volunteer will be hosted in a hostel and next will be supported to find a shared flat. The grant provided to the volunteer would cover his or her needs for accommodation, transport, food expenses as well as the pocket money. Pamplona has a great public transportation system, but since it is a human-sized city, the best way to move around is by bike/foot.

You can find more information here:

If you are interessted you can apply until 29.05.2023.

You can contact

[03.04.2023] Partner für ein Erasmus+ Projekt, im Bereich Jugendmobilität, Gesundheit & ökologischer Fußabdruck, einer Schule in Estland gesucht
The project is by the following school:
Students from Sihva to explore the world, reducing the ecological footprint and increasing physical activity.
In the course of the project, we wish to explore the benefits of education systems in different European countries as well as exchange experience and knowledge with partner schools in other countries. Our aim is to record the good practices during the project and introduce the best of them in our school life. We can implement these ideas with the help of our student council. Our school already focusses on nature and protecting the environment and we are actively engaged in reducing the ecological footprint. We are interested in learning about the practices, events and other activities that have been put in place in partner schools to reduce the ecological footprint. We also want to increase the physical activity of children and young people and thereby reduce digital addiction. What can we do to get students away from their electronic devices? We strongly believe that in the course of the project we will find answers to these problems and can cooperate in bringing out and finding solutions to similar problems of our partner schools.  
For more information please contact:
Paul Aares Fjodorov / Lembi Oja
[23.03.2023] 12-Monate ESC in Almeria (Spanien) im Bereich Inklusion

Die FAAM in Almeria hat 3 dringend zu besetzende ESC Plätze im Bereich Inklusion.

Für mehr Informationen kontaktieren Sie .

[23.03.2023] Spanischer Küstenort sucht CERV-Partnergemeinde

Europe Direct Castello sucht für die den Küstenort einen CERV-Partner:

Chilches/Xilxes is an extraordinary village, halfway between Castellón de la Plana and Valencia with 2846 inhabitants. It stands out for its fusion between sea territory and beaches, nature, exquisite tastes such as melons and oranges of our own lands and historical corners. Our beaches have the iconic Blue Flag. This said, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria are considered in our municipality. We would be delighted to share our culture, gastronomy and touristic environment with an international city or village interested in promoting the commitment and democratic participation of citizens, through projects and ideas that foster common European ideas and relationships between us through networking and twinning.


[10.03.2023] Spanisches Lehrerkollegium sucht Erasmus-Partner

Eine spanische Schule aus Extremadura sucht Partner für E-twinning im Rahmen von Erasmus+.

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[20.02.2023] Spanisches Musik-Konservatorium sucht Erasmus-Partner

Das Konservatorium für Musik in Cartagena ist eine öffentliche Schule, die musikalische Bildung auf elementarer und professioneller Ebene in verschiedenen Musikinstrumenten anbietet, um den Schülern zu ermöglichen, höhere Studien zu verfolgen und als professionelle Musiker Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt zu haben. Die Schule nimmt seit 2017 an Erasmus-Projekten teil und hat verschiedene Lehrer und Schüler aus anderen Ländern empfangen. Die Schule ist sowohl im Bereich Schulbildung als auch beruflicher Ausbildung tätig und hat sich um Erasmus-Akkreditierung in beiden Bereichen beworben. Dafür sucht die Schule Partner in den Bereichen Chor, Kammermusik, Big Band, Jazz, Orchester, einzelne Instrumente.


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[16.02.2023] Partner für Erasmus+-Projekt zu Gesundheit von Schulleitungen gesucht

Ein neues Projekt in der spanischen Region Murcia sucht nach Partnern. Thema ist u.a die psychologische Gesundheit von Lehrern in Leitungsfunktionen.

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[10.02.2023] Isländisches LGBTQ+Jugendprojekt sucht Job-Shadowing im Bereich Jugendleitung

Die Sozialarbeiter eines Jugendprojekts mit LGBTQ-Fokus sucht einen Projektpartner um ein gegenseitiges Jobshadowing durchzuführen im Rahmen von Erasmus+.




[09.02.2023] 10-monate ESC in Katalonien im Bereich Inklusion

Die Associacio Alba bietet einen 10-monatigen ESC-Platz in Tarrega im Bereich Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderungen. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 23 Februar. Los geht es Ende Februar.

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[06.02.2023] 9-monate ESC in Malaga

Der Verein Intercambia bietet einen neunmonatigen ESC-Platz im südspanischen Malaga im Bereich Jugendarbeit an. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 6. März, Programmstart im April.

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[02.02.2023] Erasmus+ Projekt im Bereich Erste Hilfe sucht Partner

Im Bereich Medizin/Erste Hilfe sucht ein polnisches Projekt interessierte Partner für gemeinsame Lehrgänge für jüngere und ältere Gruppen.

Mehr Infos:

Maciej Tomkowiak

Fundacja Rysy

+48 784 612 032 |

[09.01.2023] Ein Jahr Freiwilligendienst in Estland

In einem neuen ESC-Projekt in Estland werden insgesamt 13 Freiwillige aus ganz Europa gesucht, die in je einem Jugendzentrum für ein Jahr unterstützen.

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[05.01.2023] Türkische Englisch-Lehramt Studierende suchen Erasmus-Praktikumsplatz

Mehrere Studierende der Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University suchen einen Erasmus+ Praktikumsplatz im Bereich Englisch-Lehramt.


Şerife DURNA
Eurodesk Temas Noktası İrtibat Kişisi
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi
Avşar Kampüsü 46050 Onikişubat/Kahramanmaraş

[05.01.2023] Acht Wochen Freiwilligendienst im Bereich nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Türkei

Im türkischen Adana bietet die Organisation Sosyal laufend achtwöchige ESC-Freiwilligendienste an, in denen ihr mit jungen Menschen aus ganz Europa an vielen Themen zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung und sozialer Gerechtigkeit arbeitet, beispielsweise im Bereich Gender Equality.

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[04.01.2023] 10 Monate Freiwilligendienst in spanischen Jugendzentrum

In Murcia bietet die Organisation Cazalla Intercultural einen ESC-Freiwilligendienst von Februar bis Dezember 2023. Dabei unterstützt ihr das Jugendzentrum in vielfältigen Aufgaben.

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[02.01.2023] ESC-Freiwilligendienst auf den Kanarischen Inseln

Die Organisation Mojo de Cana bietet vier ESC-Plätze auf La Palma, einer der kanarischen Inseln. Das Projekt dauert 11 Monate und Grundkenntnisse in Spanisch sind wünschenswert.

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[02.01.2023] Ein Jahr ESC in Portugal

Im südportugiesischem Olhao bietet die Organisation Moju einen 12-monatigen ESC-Freiwilligendienst im Bereich Soziales und Bildung an.

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[26.12.2022] ESC im spanischen Malaga

Die Organisation Intercambia bietet einen ESC-Platz in der südspanischen Stadt Malaga an. Bewerbungsfrist für den Start im Februar ist der 10. Januar.

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[23.12.2022] ESC in französischem Jugendbüro

Im französischen Vienne bietet die Stadt einen elfmonatigen ESC im örtlichen Jugendbüro an. Start ist im Februar 2023.

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[23.12.2022] ESC in Mailand

Der Verein AVIS bietet zwei Plätze für den Freiwilligendienst Europäisches Solidaritätskorps für jeweils acht Monate im norditalienischen Mailand. Start ist Ende Januar bzw. im März. Zu den Tätigkeiten gehören unter anderem die Organisation von Events und Social Media.

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[21.12.2022] ESC in Jugendzentrum an slowenischer Küste

Das Jugendzentrum Piran bietet von März bis August einen ESC-Platz in der Jugendarbeit. Unterbringung und Verpflegung werden übernommen, dazu gibt es Taschengeld.

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[01.12.2022] ESC in Jugendzentrum in Estland

Das Jugendzentrum in der estnischen Stadt Kohila bietet einen ESC-Platz für 12 Monate Freiwilligenarbeit mit Jugendlichen. die Freiwilligen erhalten, Unterkunft, Verpflegung, Taschengeld sowie u.a. einen Sprachkurs.

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[30.11.2022] Italiener sucht Praktikum/Volunteering im Bereich Video und Grafik

Ein 23-jähriger Italiener, spezialisiert in Video- und Grafikdesig, sucht einen Praktikumsplatz oder Freiwilligenarbeit, um Auslandserfahrung zu sammeln.

Kontakt: Marta Anzilotti, Antenna Eurodesk, Commune die Prato

[30.11.2022] Partner für schwedisches Jugendprojekt zu psychischer Gesundheit gesucht

Europe Direct Hässleholm in Südschweden sucht eine Partnerorganisation für einen Erasmus+-fachlichen Austausch zum Thema Mentale Gesundheit von jungen Menschen.

Kontakt: Sofia Stridsberg, Europe Direct Hässleholm

[30.11.2022] Weihnachts-Volunteering für Bedürftige auf Sizilien

Das Projekt "Healthy Social Volunteering" bietet ESC-Volunteering Plätze über Weihnachten und Neujahr in Palermo auf Sizilien. Die Freiwillingen unterstüzten drei Einrichtungen für Obdachlose über Weihnachten und Neujahr, zum Beispiel bei der Essensausgabe oder gemeinschaftlichen Aktivitäten. Für Unterkunft und Verpflegung wird gesorgt. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 04. Dezember.


[17.11.2022] Partner für Hip-Hop-Jugendbegegnung im Rahmen von Fete de la musique gesucht

Die französische Organisation InfoJeunes Annecy sucht eine Partnerorganisation für eine Jugendbegegnung im Vorfeld der Fete de la musique im Juni 2023. Die Jugendgruppen entwickeln gemeinsam eine Hip-hop-Performance und präsentieren sie auf dem Festival.


[14.09.2022] Zwei freie Plätze für ESC-Projekte in Malaga

Von September 2022 bis Juni 2023 bieten Eurodesk-Partner in Malaga zwei ESC-Plätze im Bereich Jugend- und Kulturarbeit.

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[13.09.2022] Isländisches Jugendprojekt sucht Mobility Partner

Der isländische Peer-to-Peer Council arbeitet mit Jugendlichen zwischen 16 und 19 Jahren und sucht andere Youth Councils, Peer-to-peer educators und jugendgeleitete Organisationen für ein Mobilitätsprojekt für Jugendarbeiter.

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[12.09.2022] Erasmus+ Praktikum in Athen

Der Youthmakershub in Athen bietet freie Erasmus+ Praktikumsplätze in Athen an.

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[06.09.2022] Internationales Training für Jugendarbeit in Malaga

Die spanische Organisation Intercambia bietet im Mai 2023 einen Trainingskurs für Beschäftigte in der internationalen Jugendarbeit an. Bewerbungen für die Teilnahme sind bis zum 23. September möglich.

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[28.08.2022] 8 Monate ESC in Frankreich im Bereich interkulturelle Arbeit

Die Städtepartnerschaftsorganisation Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine in French - ACJNA bietet in Frankreich einen 8-monatigen ESC-Freiwilligendienstplatz. Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Interkultureller Austausch und Jugendbeteiligung.

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[21.08.2022] Zwei Monate ESC in der Türkei

Im Bereich Sport und Jugendarbeit bietet Eurodesk Irtibat Kisisi ab September einen zweimonatigen ESC-Freiwilligendienst.

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[20.08.2022] 11-monatiger ESC in Ungarn in der Jugendarbeit

Die ungarische Jugendorganisation FIRE bietet ab September einen 11-monatigen ESC-Freiwilligendienstplatz in Pecsvarad in der Jugendarbeit.

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[19.08.2022] Vier Wochen ESC in Polen im Bereich Anti-Diskriminierung

Die Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej im polnischen Leszno bietet vierwöchige ESC-Freiwilligendienst-Plätze im Bereich Föderung des Ehrenamts und Anti-Diskriminierung ab September. Bewerbungsschluss 28. August.

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[18.08.2022] Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: Uni Istanbul sucht Projektpartner

Für ein Erasmus+ Teacher Academies Programm mit Istanbul University- Cerrahpasa, Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Gazi University Faculty of Education and Istanbul Cerrahpasa University werden Projektpartner gesucht.



[18.08.2022] Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: Uni Istanbul sucht Projektpartner

Für ein Erasmus+ Teacher Academies Programm mit Istanbul University- Cerrahpasa, Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Gazi University Faculty of Education and Istanbul Cerrahpasa University werden Projektpartner gesucht.



[15.08.2022] ESC im Europe Direct Zentrum Pyrenäen

Das Europe Direct-Zentrum Pyrenäen in Südfrankreich sucht einen Freiwilligen für ein Jahr ab Oktoober. Aufgaben sind u.a. die Vermittlung Europäischer Werte und Weltoffentheit.

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[08.08.2022] ESC in Rumänien in der Behindertenhilfe

Die rumänische Organisation Team for Youth Association sucht bis zu zwei ESC-Freiwillige für eine Inklusionsprojekt in Baia Mare. Start ist flexibel ab August, mindestens 18 Wochen mit der Option auf Verlängerung.

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[05.08.2022] 4 ESC-Plätze in Frankreich

Die Organisation Chargée de mission Europe International bietet im französischen Orleans vier ESC-Plätze von Oktober 2022 bis Juli 2023 an. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 28. August.

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[02.08.2022] Türkischer Eurodeskpartner sucht Partnerorganisationen

Für zwei Projekte sucht Eurodesk Irtibat Kisisi Partnerorganisationen in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit, Soziales Unternehmertum und Mentale Gesundheit.



[25.07.2022] Erasmus+: Digitales Storytelling für Erwachsene in Spanien

EduStorytelling ist ein Projekt für Erwachsene im spanischen Malaga, in dem die Teilnehmer digitale Storytelling-Kompetenzen erwerben.

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[22.07.2022] Deutsche ESC-Entsendeorganisation gesucht

Für einen Freiwilligen aus Frankfurt sucht das Macerata Europe Office in Italien eine deutsche Entsendeorganisation.

"Francesca Arcs" <>;
"Adriana Persia" <>.

[19.07.2022] Türkin sucht ESC-Platz für ein Jahr

Kübra ist 26 Jahre alt und engagiert sich bereits als Volunteer in ihrer türkischen Heimat. Aktuell sucht sie einen einjährigen ESC-Platz, um Auslandserfahrung zu sammeln.

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[18.07.2022] ESC in Bulgarien

Die bulgarische Organisation Active Bulgarian Society bietet ESC-Plätze von 2 bis 6 MOntaen in Blagoevgrad.

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[13.07.2022] Multiplikatoren-Fortbildung zum internationalen Schulaustausch

Die Initiative "Austausch mach Schule" bietet vom 26.-27. August eine kostenlose Multiplikatoren-Fortbildung zum internationalen Schulaustausch in Hannover an.

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[11.07.2022] 2 ESC-Plätze in Bereich Kultur/Literatur in Spanien

Die spanische Organisation Alonso Quijano bietet in Malaga zwei ESC-Plätze von Oktober 2022 bis September 2023 im Bereich Kultur/Literatur an. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31. Juli.

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[27.06.2022] Türkei: ESC in Jugendschachclub

Die türkische Organisation Cedid bietet einen ESC-Platz in einem Jugendschachclub für Interessierte mit Basiskenntnissen in Schach.

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[24.06.2022] Online-Konferenz für Mitarbeiter in dern internationalen Jugendarbeit

Eurodesk Bielsko-Biala in Polen lädt am 30. Juni von 14 bis 15.30 zu einer internationalen Online-Konferenz ein, um u.a. Best Practise Beispiele zu teilen.

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[23.06.2022] ESC-Plätze in Umweltprojekten auf Sizilien

Die italienische Organisation InformaGiovani bietet 18-30jährigen ESC-Plätze im Sommer 2022 auf Sizilien an. Die rund zweiwöchigen Einsätze finden zwischen Juni und August statt.

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[20.06.2022] ESC-Platz in Frankreich: Web-Reporter und Social Media

Die französische Organisation crijnormandie sucht mit Start im September 2022 einen Web-Reporter und Social Media Manager als ESC.

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[20.06.2022] ESC-Platz in der Normandie: Botschafter für Europa

Die französische Organisation crijnormandie sucht mit Start im September 2022 einen neuen Europabotschafter als ESC-Projekt.

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[17.06.2022] ESC-Platz in Frankreich in der Kultur- und Jugendarbeit

Die französische Organisation Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine bietet von September/Oktober 2022 einen 8-monatigen ESC mit Schwerpunkt in der Jugend- und Kulturarbeit an.

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[16.06.2022] ESC-Plätze in Ungarn in der Jugendarbeit

Die ungarische Organisation firepecsvarad bietet drei ESC-Plätze für einen 11-monatigen Aufenthalt und Arbeit in Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen.

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[16.06.2022] Uni Leiden sucht Freiwillige für Europäisches Science Event

Im September findet im Rahmen des Europäischen Jahres der Jugend 2022 das Science Event EUCYS an der Uni Leiden statt. Dafür sucht die Uni Volunteers aus Europa. Sie erhalten Fahrtkosten, Unterkunft, Verpflegung und Taschengeld.

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[14.06.2022] 2 ESC-Plätze in Jugendclub im spanischen Bilbao

In der spanischen Stadt Bilbao sind noch Long-Term ESC-Plätze für einen Freiwilligendienst in einem Jugendclub frei.

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[13.06.2022] ESC-Plätze in spanischer Jugendeinrichtung

Die spanische Organisation Espacio Joven - Concejalía de Juventud bietet ab 01.10 ESC-Plätze in einer Jugendeinrichtung für einen zehnmonatigen Freiwilligendienst.

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[13.06.2022] Partner search

Dear Colllegues,

The IES Alonso Quijano (Quintanar de la Orden in Toledo, Castilla La Mancha, Spain) is looking for schools for KA121-VET programme with VET in Automotive, Administration and Electronics.

We please ask you to spread this partner search among your contacts to help this high school in finding the best partner for their further Erasmus+ projects.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation

Best regards,
EUROPE DIRECT Castilla-La Mancha Team


Download PDF

[01.06.2022] KA2 Project Partner/Universities

Dear All,

We are looking for KA2 VET project partner universities in the field of computer engineering ( robotics,coding,software) for a project aiming to create a software programme to detect child abuse from children's drawings.

Kind regards


Şerife DURNA
Eurodesk Temas Noktası İrtibat Kişisi
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi
Avşar Kampüsü 46050 Onikişubat/Kahramanmaraş

[31.05.2022] 1 volunteering vacancy in Normandy region, France

Dear Eurodesk partners,

My colleague is actively searching for 1 EU volunteer in the frame of the french volunteering programme, “Service Civique” (not ESC !). The project starts on next September in the city of Falaise, Normandy region (France).

If you know youth organisations from EU countries or potential candidates – aged between 18 and 25 years old – could you please forward the call below? Thank you!


Do you enjoy working with children?

The town of Falaise, located in Normandy region (France), is looking for a European volunteer to promote the English language in the local schools, for the project :



Starting between August 30th and September 15th , 2022

For a duration of 10 months


Application and information

Contact us :

Read the infopack joined to this e-mail

Be carefull : this project is for all Europeans, but it is in the frame of the French volunteering program !



Best regards,


Ophélie Bouin

Youth international mobility project manager

02 31 27 80 80 / 07 50 72 52 36

Site de Caen - 16 rue Neuve Saint-Jean
Site de Rouen - 84 rue Beauvoisine

[31.05.2022] ESC long term in Bilbao (BASQUE COUNTRY- SPAIN)


We are looking for 2 EU volunteers:

2 vacancies at kids and youth clubs:

The main action to be implemented with the project is the "Intervention with Children and Youth through non-formal education in socio-educational programmes”, especially in kids clubs, youth clubs and educational leisure time groups.
The European volunteers will help to develop activities with kids and teenegers through non formal education methodologies. (more info in opportunity call attached)

Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain)

Deadline: 24/06/2022

Duration: 10 months, starting in september 2022

🛩 ESC program already approved (accomodation, flights, food, local transport, and pocket money covered)

Send your CV and motivation letter through the ESC Portal (links provided above) or directly to

> Download Attachment

Alex López

Phone: +34 94 656 92 18 // +34 688 67 94 57
C/ Ronda s-n, 3º Planta Despacho B
48005 - Bilbao - Bizkaia


We inform you that we are looking for 3 motivated ECS volunteers for Asociación Marroqui (Para La Integración De Los Inmigrantes).

  • Location: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: 01/09/2022
  • End: 01/09/2023
  • Duration: 12 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply:  30.06.22
  • This call is open to EU +NEIGHBOUR COUNTRIES

We will only consider application forms of responsible, motivated, and passionate candidates!

Take into consideration that it is an approved project




Multiplicador Cualificado de la Red Eurodesk
Avda Arroyo de los Angeles 50

Málaga - Spain
+34 672028985 - +34 952002774

[30.05.2022] LOOKING FOR ESC support organisation / volunteer

Hello hello,

The organisation I am working in is looking for volunteers to join our ongoing project.


Join our (newest) opportunity to volunteer: ESCpert (2.0).

We are looking for 2 motivated young people to take part on a project aimed at mobilizing groups of young people in creating actions and activities aimed at improving their local community/environment. Promotion of opportunities and working on offering young people a chance to get actively involved in their environment.

Proposed activity period (long term): 01/06/2022 to 31/01/2023

More details, call, and how to apply:

If you have young people that would like to join and can act as a support organisation within this ESC please don't hesitate to contact me :)

best wishes,


POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier
tel/fax: (+40) 362 412 361 | mobile:  (+40) 740 829 607
facebook: Pop.r.flavius
55A Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Romania

[28.05.2022] Urgent call for ESC volunteer in Macerata from June to November

Dear Eurodesk colleagues,

The Europe Office of Macerata is currently looking for 1 ESC volunteer for a 5/6 month mobility project here in Macerata, from June to November. The activity will take place for 3 days in the municipal library and for 2 days in the municipal nurseries. Like all ESC mobilities the call is for European citizens between 18 and 30 years old.
Here is the link to the call:

Attached is the call with further details.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Download Document here


ALE Eurodesk Macerata - ATS 15
Piazza Vittorio Veneto,2
c/o Biblioteca Comunale Mozzi Borgetti
62100 Macerata
tel/fax 0039 0733 262218



  • Venue: Málaga (Spain)
  • Start: SEPTEMBER 2022
  • End: SEPTEMBER 2023
  • Duration: 12 MONTHS
  • Number of Vacancies: 3
  • Deadline to apply: 15TH JUNE  2022
  • Skype interview: 20-24TH JUNE

We will just take into consideration responsible, motivated, and passionate application forms!





Multiplicador Cualificado de la Red Eurodesk
Avda Arroyo de los Angeles 50

Málaga - Spain
+34 672028985 - +34 952002774

[27.05.2022] LOOKING FOR ESC support organisation / volunteer

Hello hello,

The organisation I am working in is looking for volunteers to join our ongoing project.

Cultural Fiesta: working with museums in RO
🧳We are looking for volunteers with the European Solidarity Corps program!
🎭The aim of this project is to facilitate the interaction between cultural institutions and local young people. To increase the access to culture and cultural opportunities for youth.
🎯 June 2022 – November 2022  – possibility of project extension possibility of project extension
🐧 More details and how to apply on:

If you have young people that would like to join and can act as a support organisation within this ESC please don't hesitate to contact me :)

best wishes,


POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier
tel/fax: (+40) 362 412 361 | mobile:  (+40) 740 829 607
facebook: Pop.r.flavius
55A Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Romania

[26.05.2022] LOOKING FOR ESC support organisation / volunteer

Hello hello,

The organisation I am working in is looking for volunteers to join our ongoing project.

🎈 Project opportunity in Romania: We are waiting for you from June 2022 onwards!
💜 We are looking for volunteers with the European Solidarity Corps program!
Volunteers will be active in the community of Baia Mare with the aim of increasing the visibility of challenges faced by people with physical disabilities.
🦽>The volunteers will work with people with physical disabilities. Volunteers will raise awareness about the situation of people with disabilities. We want to create a local movement that applies to disabled people, implemented and sustained by the activities of the ESC volunteers. 🪐> With this project we hope to create equal opportunities for various categories of disabled people in Baia Mare.
🚩 We are waiting for YOU from JUNE!
📍More info & how to apply on:

If you have young people that would like to join and can act as a support organisation within this ESC please don't hesitate to contact me :)

best wishes,


POP REMUS | Eurodesk Multiplier
tel/fax: (+40) 362 412 361 | mobile:  (+40) 740 829 607
facebook: Pop.r.flavius
55A Vasile Lucaciu, Baia Mare, Romania

[23.05.2022] Türkische Organisation sucht ESC-Partner

Van Youth Training Academy is a youth organisation in Van city in Turkey. This year they have an ESC approved project and they have been searching for a hosting organisation. Their project is about climate change and environmental activism, digital skills. If one of these areas is one of the scope of your organisations, you can contact with We would like to start the project in August. We have 5 volunteers and for each of them 120 days volunteering. If you are happy with this we can discuss further. Either you can pick a date from this link or write your suitable time slot to me they will arrange a meeting.

[23.05.2022] ESC-Plätze auf Sizilien

InformaGiovani bietet zwei Plätze für ein 7-monatiges Solidaritätskorps in Palermo an. Der Einsatzbereich ist Mithife bei Summercamps und Social Media.

Mehr Infos

[22.05.2022] Drei ESC-Plätze in der Türkei

Die Non-Formal Education and Youth Work Association YENGEC bietet drei ESC Plätze für Aufenthalte von zwei Monaten bis zu einem Jahr in Mugla an.

Mehr Infos zweimonatiges Programm

Mehr Infos einjähriges Programm

[19.05.2022] ESC in Portugal: Wildlife Center und Jugendzentrum

Die portugiesische Organisation Moju vergibt Plätze für ein Europäisches Solidaritätskorps in Olhao in einem Wildlife und einem Jugendzentrum.

Mehr Infos ESC Wildlife-Center

Mehr Infos ESC Jugendzentrum

[17.05.2022] Zwei Plätze für Europäisches Solidaritätskorps in Spanien

Die spanischen Organisation Europa Es Tu vergibt 2 Plätze für ein 9-monatiges Solidaritätskorps in Malaga mit Start im September.

Mehr Informationen

[16.05.2022] Zwei Plätze für 3-monatiges Freiwilligenprojekt in Italien

Die Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa bietet zwei Plätze in einem Freiwilligenprojekt für drei Monate im Sommer 2022

Mehr Informationen

[12.05.2022] Zwei Plätze für Europäisches Solidaritätskorps in Spanien

Das Projekt Europa Es Tu bietet im spanischen Malaga zwei Plätze für das Europäische Solidaritätskorps von September 2022 bis Juni 2023. Einsatzort ist eine Oberschule.

Mehr Informationen

[11.05.2022] Spanische weiterführende Schule sucht nach Erasmus+-Partnern

Die spanische Oberschule IES Aljanadic in Cordoba sucht nach Partnerschulen für gegenseitigen Lehr- und Schüleraustausch im Rahmen von Erasmus+.

Download Info

[10.05.2022] Interreg Europe Partnergesuche Rumänien, Polen und Kroatien Bereich Umwelt, Tourismus, Forschung, Digitalisierung
[10.05.2022] Zwei Plätze für Europäisches Solidaritätskorps in Polen

Die Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej bieten zwei ESC-Plätze im polnischen Leszno für EU-Bürger zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren im Bereich Jugend- und Sozialarbeit. Alle Kosten inklusive Taschengeld werden übernommen. Das ESC-Programm läuft vom 23. Mai 22 bis 31. März 23.

Mehr Informationen

[02.05.2022] Treffen für selbstorganisierte Jugendclubs in Spanien

Eurodesk Spanien sucht europäische selbstorganisierte Jugendgruppen für das Cabuenes International Yout Meeting im spanischen Gijon für einen gemeinsamen Erfahrungsaustausch.

Kontakt zu Nanus Gonzales Lastra von Eurodesk Spanien:


[04.05.2022] Partnerorganisation für spanisches Erasmus-Jugendprojekt gesucht

Die baskische Jugendorganisation Kiribil Sarea sucht einen Projektpartner für ein Austauschprojekt im Sommer. Das Projekt ist bereits Erasmus+ zertifiziert.

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[28.04.2022] 2 Plätze für Europisches Solidaritätskorps auf Zypern

Die zypriotische Organisation PlanBe vergibt einen zweimonatigen und viermonatigen Platz für einen Freiwilligendienst in Nicosia.

Mehr Informationen vier Monate ESC

Mehr Informationen zwei Monate ESC

[27.04.2022] 2 Plätze für Europisches Solidaritätskorps in der Regin Malaga

Die Organisation Intercambia bietet zwei ESC-Plätze in der spanischen Region Malaga an der Pablo Picasso-Schule. Beginn des 9-monatigen ESC-Projekts ist im September 2022. Die Bewerbungsfrist ist der 30. Mai.

Mehr Informationen

[11.04.2022] 6-monatige Freiwilligendienst im französischen Nancy

Der Service civique bietet zwei Plätze für einen 6-monatigen Europäischen Frewilligendienst im sozialen Bereich in Nancy.

Mehr Infos

[08.04.2022] Europäischer Freiwilligendienst in der Schweiz

Drei Schweizer Projekte bieten jeweils einen Platz für einen 12-monatigen Europäischen Freiwilligendienst in sozialen und kulturellen Einrichtungen an.

Bewerbungsshluss ist der 30. April.

Mehr Infos

[07.04.2022] Isländische Jugendliche suchen Partner für Filmprojekt

Eine Gruppe von fünf Jugendlichen aus Island sucht Jugendliche aus Europa, um  im Rahmen von Erasmus+ interkulturell gemeinsam an Filmprojekten zu arbeiten.


Eurodesk Island

[15.02.2022] Partner für Jugendarbeit-Training in Bilbao gesucht

Eurodesk Bilbao bietet im Frühling 2023 einen Trainingskurzs für Erasmus+-Arbeit mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen an. In der viertägigen Weiterbildung tauschen sich Mitarbeitende von Erasmus+-Projekten über sichere und fördernde Arbeit mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen aus.


Alex Lopez

Eurodesk Bilbao

[04.02.2022] Training für Erasmus+ Partner zu Outdoor-Jugendaktivitäten in Spanien

Die spanische Asociacion Mojo de Cana bietet im Februrar ein fünftägiges Training für Erasmus+ Organisationen an, bei dem Outdoor-Aktivitäten und Bildungsmöglichkeiten für Jugendliche erlernt werden können. Das Training findet bereits zum zweiten Mal auf den kanarischen Inseln statt.


Mehr Informationen:

Eurodesk Espana



[03.02.2022] Spanisches Projekt bietet fünf Plätze für Freiwilligendienst im Bereich Arbeit mit Menschen mit Sehbehinderung

Die Organisation Ser Joven im spanischen Santander bietet von April bis November 2022 fünf ESC-Plätze im Projekt ONCE. Die Freiwilligen arbeiten mit Menschen mit Sehbehinderung und unterstützen sie im Alltag.

Download Info



Asociación Ser Joven

Multiplicador Cualificado Eurodesk



tel: +34 942 21 48 97

[03.02.2022] Spanisches Projekt bietet drei Plätze für Freiwilligendienst im Bereich Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung

Die Organisation Ser Joven im spanischen Santander bietet von April bis November 2022 zwei ESC-Plätze im Projekt AMPROS. Die Freiwilligen arbeiten mit Menschen mit Behinderung und ihren Familien, zum Beispiel in Form von Sport- oder kulturellen Angeboten.

Download Info



Asociación Ser Joven

Multiplicador Cualificado Eurodesk



tel: +34 942 21 48 97

[01.02.2022] Spanierin sucht ESC-Projekt im Bereich Soziales/Gesundheit

Die Organisation Asociación Ser Joven sucht für eine Studentin mit guten Englischkenntnissen im Bereich Soziales/Gesundheit ein kurzzeitiges Freiwilligenprojekt.


Das Gesuch:

We would like to ask for your help to find a short term volunteer project for a local young girl (Carmen Diaz Higuera, reference number: 6407352163303093) extremely motivated and with a lot of experience in the volunteer field; furthermore her English is excellent.

It would be really helpful if you can send us some projects for her as she is having some difficulties finding a short term ESC project.

Weitere Projektinformationen


Sociación Ser Joven

Multiplicador Cualificado Eurodesk



tel: +34 942 21 48 97
C/ Mies del Valle, 5 - entlo. K

39010  Santander

[10.01.2022] Türkische Forschungsgruppe sucht Kooperationspojekt in AI, Game und Interaktive Technologie

Eine Forschungsgruppe der Technischen Universität Istanbul sucht ein Kooperationsprojekt in den Bereichen Design Computing, Computer Vision, AI, Game und Interaction Technologies.

Zum Portfolio: und


[07.01.2022] Drei Solidaritätskorps-Plätze in Frankreich zu vergeben

Das Jugendinformationszentrum von Marmande in Frankreich bietet drei ESC-Freiwiligendienstplätze von März bis November 2022 an. Davon umfasst ein Platz das Themengebiet Infocenter und Bücherei, der zweite Platz wird im Bereich Museum und Theater angeboten sowie ein dritter Platz im Bereich Sport und Kommunikation.

Download Info

Download Info zu den Einsatzbereichen



[05.01.2022] Jugendgruppe für Umwelt-Begegnungsaustausch mit Spanien gesucht

Für einen deutsch-spanischen Jugendaustausch mit dem Thema "Umwelt" im Sommer 2022 sucht Eurodesk Albacete eine deutsche Partnergruppe. Die spanische Jugendgruppe besteht aus elf Jugendlichen im Alter von 16-17 Jahren sowie einem Betreuer.

Das Gesuch:

Youth Exchange: 2 countries, 22 participants (11 + 11)

Spain: 10 youngs (16-17  y.o.) + 1 leader (18+, no age limit). 5 male and 5 female, approximately.

The other group: 10 youngs (16-17  y.o.) + 1 leader (18+, no age limit). 5 male and 5 female, approximately.

Profile of the young participant of the youth Exchange: high school students

Spanish city: Albacete, Castilla La Mancha. Spain

Language of the Project: English

Possible topics of the Exchange: Enviroment

Dates and approximate duration of the activities in Albacete:

3 options: last fortnight of June, first fortnight of July or between August 25 and September 10, approximately

Approximate dates and duration of activities in the other city:

3 options: last fortnight of June, first fortnight of July or between August 25 and September 10, approximately


Paco Pérez

Eurodesk Albacete









[03.01.2022] Austausch zu ökologischen Themen mit österreichischen Lehrkräften

Im Rahmen des österreichischen Erasmus+ Projekts "Das ökologische Talent" suchen Lehrkräfte aus Österreich Schulen und Institutionen für den gemeinsamen Austausch und gegeseitiges Lernen. Ein Lehraufenthalt für Graz für die Partner ist im Juni 2022 geplant.

Download Info

Das Gesuch der Bildungsdirektion Steiermark:

Dear potential partners,


Climate change is one of the most crucial problems of nowadays and education is a key instrument to meet this challenge.

We are convinced that there are already promising answers in the field of ecology, sustainability and innovation all over Europe.


The Board of Education of Styria pilots the Erasmus+ consortium project "The Ecological Talent- Education for Sustainability" (DökoT – Das ökologische Talent). Within that framework, we are asking for your help.  


What are we looking for?

We are looking for schools, institutions, and public entities in all Erasmus+ programme countries that carry out exciting and innovative activities.


What would be your role?

You would help us to set up a programme for study visits and welcome five to ten Austrian teachers and principals in the form of a job shadowing in spring/summer 2022 to share your initiatives and knowledge with us.


What can you expect from participating?

International exchanges and networking between stakeholders from the education sector. Therefore, we would also set up an interesting programme and welcome a delegation from your school/institution for a study visit in Graz, Austria (planned for June 2022).


How can you contact us?

Send us an email to


In line with the motto "When we share, we win", we are therefore asking suitable schools and institutions to register until the 16th of January 2022 via the following link:


If you are interested, you can find additional information on our project in the attached document or by clicking on this link:


We are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Kind regards,

Maria Pichlbauer

Bildungsdirektion Steiermark

Büro der Bildungsdirektorin

[21.12.2021] Praktikumsplätze für Spanier im Bereich IT/Administration gesucht

Sechs Berufsschüler aus Cordoba suchen im Rahmen eines k103 Projekts Erasmus+ Praktikumsplätze in Deutschland.

Gesucht werden

2 Plätze Administration/Finance

Download Info


3 Plätze Computer Networks System Management

Download Info


1 Platz Multi-Platform-Applications

Download Info

Partnergesuch und Kontakt:

Dear friends;

I send this email from a Vocational Training School

All the best from Córdoba (Spain)

Hello, my name is  Fuensanta and I am a teacher  and Erasmus Coordinator in a vocational training school in Córdoba, Spain.

We have a k103 project for movilities of higher education students and teachers and we are looking for companies so that 6 or our students can do an internship in Europe from the middle of March to the middle of June 2021 (3 months). The profiles are the following

2 higher technician in administration and finance

3 higher technician in computer networks system management

1 higher technician in multi-platform application.

On the other hand, if it is possible, two teachers would accompany the students for a 7 days movilitie (including the 2 days of travelling). We need a program for this two teachers too (jobshadowing, visits to educational centers, another kind of activities related to education)

I enclose report about tasks students could develop in their work place.

If you can help us, please contact us


Telephone: +34 608555361 (Preferably whatsapp)

For more information about our school, you can visit our website

Best Regards



Un saludo


Ángela Cruz Luna


Técnico Responsable Eurodesk-Europe Direct Córdoba


[13.12.2021] Partner für polnisch-deutsche Jugendbegegnung für Menschen mit Behinderung gesucht

Die Eurodesk-Stelle aus dem polnischen Piekary Slaskie sucht einen deutschen Projektpartner für eine interkulturelle Jugendbegegnung für Menschen mit Behinderung. Ziel für die Teilnehmenden ist es, mit der Lego-Methode gemeinsam verschiedene Schlüsselkompetenzen zu erlernen.

Partnergesuch und Kontakt:

We are looking for a German partner, who would like to prepare a youth exchange project with us, which could take place in Germany.

A group of Polish youngsters from Piekary Śląskie would like to realise a project involving disabled people and people with fewer opportunities and youth leaders - volunteers based on developing key competences using Lego Education as a method of non-formal education. The initiator of the project is a disabled participant in the youth club at MDK 2 Piekary Śląskie and he is looking forward to working with a willing group.
Organizations willing to cooperate and want to receive more details, please contact us by e-mail: or as an answer.



Dobrosława Egner

mobile: +48695222197

[06.12.2021] Projektpartner für Italienisch Medienbildungsprojekt für Jugendliche gesucht

Eurodesk Arezzo sucht Projektpartner für Medientrainings für Jugendliche, die aktuell keinen Ausbildungsplatz oder Weiterbildungsmöglichkeit haben.



Angaben zur Partnerorganisation



[02.12.2021] Freie Volunteer-Plätze in Polen

In Kielce in Zentralpolen sind mehrere Volunteer-Plätze für 10-monatige Auslandsaufenthalte frei. Die Arbeitsorte sind unter anderem ein Kindergarten pder Kulturinstitutionen.

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We are looking for Volunteers to participate in  our ESC project!

Information for Volunteers below :

🔥Call for participants interested in ESC volunteering 🔥

🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️Apply if you wanna reboot your life, learn and join our cool community!
⏰DEADLINE: 6th of December

Everything is covered financially!!

🌍WHERE? Kielce (central Poland🇵🇱)
🕵️‍♀️AGE? 18-30yo
🗓HOW long? For 10 months (departure planned in December 2021/early January 2022)
✅WHAT to DO? work in kindergartens, primary schools, cultural institutions, youth center (social action activities and cooperation with local community)
📩fill out a short registration form
📩send us your CV and motivation letter on
💁🏼‍♀️do not hesitate to ask by email in case of any questions!)

👀Check our YouTube channel and learn more about ESC  & VET Mobilities  

We are waiting for you!🥰


[01.12.2021] Ein freier Volunteer-Platz in Spanien

Die Organisation Intercambia bietet einen kurzfristigen Freiwilligen-Platz für ein ESC-Projekt in der spanischen Stadt Malaga an. Die Bewerbung ist online mit Lebenslauf und Motivationsschreiben möglich.

[11.11.2021] Freier Volunteer-Platz in Frankreich

Hello everyone,


I hope my email finds you well!


Following the departure of our volunteer, we, the Youth Information Center in Cergy (35km from Paris), are offering a ESC-vacancy from ASAP to May 2022.


We will find in the attachment the infokit.


Thank you in advance for spreading this information among your networks and youngsters you are in touch with.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.


Download Info


Kind regards,



Youth Informer and Eurodesk Multiplier


Centre Information Jeunesse Val d'Oise

1, place des Arts

95000 Cergy



+33 1 34 41 67 67

[02.11.2021] Volunteering on farms in Switzerland

Dear Eurodesk Network,

the organisation Agriviva in Switzerland allows young people from 16 to 25 years old to volunteer on Swiss farms during 2 weeks to 2 months. The young people must be citizens of an EU/EFTA country.They must have a good knowledge of the language of the region they will be going to (either french, german or italian).

Young people do not need to have any previous knowledge or experience of agriculture. However, an Agriviva placement is not a holiday. The participants integrate themselves into the farm's daily routine, support and relieve the family in their work and thus gain an insight into the various fields of work on a farm. However, interest in agriculture and enjoyment of being in nature are essential elements for a successful placement.

The volunteer will receive some pocket money, lodging and food.

In attachment, you will find two documents with all relevant information

Would it be possible for you to spread the information to young people ?

For questions, please contact directly Ueli Bracher or tel. +41 52 264 00 31, responsible for the Agriviva programme.


All the best,

Gloria Arici

Download Info

Eurodesk Switzerland
tel: 0041 21 601 84 01
address: c/o GLAJ-Vaud - Avenue de Beaulieu 9 1004 Lausanne


[27.10.2021] Call for partners


I am writing to you to ask about participating with one of the Polish organisations in Erasmus+ non-profits organization as a partner.

Just take a look at what they are doing with ours volunteers, seniors and pupils:

Our website:
Facebook: @superfundacja
Superfoundation is an organization located in Rybnik, which works for people with disabilities and supports active people of all ages. It conducts rehabilitation in water for people with disabilities. It helps people aged 60+, raises funds for senior activities, runs the Senior + North Club in Rybnik. We animate the local environment, conduct therapeutic classes for children, teenagers and adults. By supporting the Superfundacja, you support our Superheroes. Our mission is to aim for the fullest personal development of each Superhero. We start from the diagnosis of needs, identifying strengths, setting goals, promoting each of your successes. Our goal is to jointly and creatively develop such tools that would comprehensively support every person who approaches our foundation. Behind us, initiatives connecting generations, activation of youth, the elderly and the disabled.

In 2020, we created an intergenerational mural connecting young people with the elderly. We recorded instructional videos for seniors and young people as part of activation during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 an initiative connecting seniors and young people acting as volunteers for the visually impaired, deaf, visually impaired and hard of hearing - and many initiatives behind us.

We are looking forward to your answers!

Looking for partners to corporation - KA210-ADU ( Adult Education )


The main idea for our organization to take part with Erasmus + program is:
- Exchange work  experiences with older people and take on a higher level competences of our stuff
- supporting and developing co-organizing companions which works with seniors in Europe
- Presentation of the method, ideas and educational and artistic workshops as well as activation of the seniors movement
- acquiring new tools for working with seniors in our organization and use all the  knowledge from our project partners
- taking a benefits from our cooperation to develop our European community

The conducted phase we will include integration with project partners and do a workshops aimed and exchange experience.
The second stage will include the implementation of new tools for cooperation with seniors and also we will do online conferences to check the results.
The final stage ended with a meeting where we will presents our results.


Michał Toman

Eurodesk Rybnik- Polska

[20.10.2021] Urgent call youth exchange in Turkey

On November 22-29  there will be  a youth exchange about the environment in Van/ Turkey. The Project's partner in Poland at the last minute informed that they will not send any participants because of their lack of capacity. Now the youth organisation is searching for a youth ngo which can send 5+1 participants. The infopack is in the attached file.

You can contact with


Eurodesk İrtibat Kişisi

Van Valiliği

Şerefiye Mahallesi, 65100 , Merkez/VAN


Tel: 0 432 214 96 42

[12.10.2021] ESC in South of France

Dear Network,

There is one spot left in the project that we are coordinating "The Ambassadors of European Mobility Of Occitanie in rural area" :

You'll find attached the infopack.  We are looking for 1 volunteer from the European Union only. He or she will join an italian girl that has been already selected.

START : ASAP in october for 9 months (until the 1st of July)

Send a CV and a cover letter in English or in French to


Responsable Projets Mobilité Internationale/Animateur de la plateforme EOLE Occitanie

Infojeunes Occitanie
3, avenue Charles Flahault - 34000 Montpellier
Tél : 04 67 04 36 66


[05.10.2021] URGENT Call for Partners for TC: Social Media Support for NGOs

Dear Partners,

We are applying for the training course Social Media Support for NGOs - 5 day training in Poland (near Lublin) to be organized in spring/summer 2022.

The training will focus on sharing best practices in the area of communication in social media with youth and other target groups, building engagement, creating content, useful tools and thinking about your ngo as a brand.

Participants: 3 people per organization (youth workers, project coordinators, managing team, persons responsible for social media, experienced volunteers who create with you)

Let us know if you are interested to join ASAP and send us your PIF (partner information form with OID number and legal representative), so we could send you a mandate to sign (as we will need it by tomorrow 10AM latest)


Eurodesk Lublin



[04.10.2021] ESC Volunteering (longterm) in Kindegarten Debrecen/HU

Dear Partners!

A local NGO looking for ESC volunteers for a long term project in Debrecen, Hungary.

There are  6 places still available.

I am attaching the call in the long version.

If you could spread the call that will help a lot.

They are looking for volunteers from EU countries for a 12 months long European Solidarity Corps project in DEBRECEN,  ️Hungary.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to help in Kindergartens.

If you know candidates who are looking for ESC volunteering opportunities, please  send your CV and motivation letter to
PS: if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thanks a lot.




Imre Enyedi

Eurodesk Regional Coordinator - North Great Plain region


Debreceni Ifjúsági Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.

- Debrecen Youth Service -

Cím: 4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 21.

Információ: +36 52 415 498; Fax: +36 52 532 670



Skype: enyedi.imre;

[25.09.2021] KA152 Partner Search

Call for partners (programme countries only) For KA152 YOU

Project Name: Tolerance Meets the Art of Marbling

Venue: Siirt/Turkey

Date: May 2022

The purpose of this Project is to:

  • Increasing tolerance and understanding among young people
  • Adopting young people to a diversity of cultures
  • Reducing racism, hatred of religion and hate speech in Europe
  • EU citizenship in the youth and the establishment of EU awareness.

In order to achieve these goals, the art of marbling will be used as an effective tool.

If you are interested please send your PIF documents to

İyi günler dileriz.

Siirt Valiliği AB ve Dış İlişkiler Koordinasyon Bürosu İrtibat Kişisi
Siirt Governorship The EU and Foregin Realtions Coordination Center Eurodesk Contact Person

Yeni Valilik Binası 5. Kat Oda No:541
56100 Siirt

+904842232344 - 541 dahili

[24.09.2021] URGENT CALL ESC SOUTH OF FRANCE - European Union !

Dear Network,

There is one spot left in our project "Europe Ambassador" in Gaillac's Youth and Culture Center following a withdrawal.

You'll find attached the infopack, we are looking for volunteers from the European Union only.

START : 1st of october for 10 months (until the 31st of July)

Please send your CV and ML to


Download Info-Pack

[23.09.2021] EVS in Switzerland

Dear all,

as you might already know, Switzerland has still an EVS programm. One organisation is looking for an EVS volunteer for 5-6 months as the one supposed to come has shortly cancelled. There is no deadline as it is to start as soon as possible.

Interested candidates can fill in the formular in attachment and send it to You can also find more information on following link EVS placement in Switzerland & Europe with ICYE ∣ ICYE

If you have any question on the project, please contact Sara Moreno from coordinating organisation ICYE : Tel. +41 31 371 77 80 •

Thanks a lot for your support,

All the best,



Gloria Arici

Eurodesk Switzerland



tel: 0041 21 601 84 01
address: c/o GLAJ-Vaud  - Avenue de Beaulieu 9
1004 Lausanne

Download formular

[09.09.2021] Freiwilligendienst in Frankreich für Kurzentschlossene

Liebe Kollegen,

wir das Europa Direkt Zentrum in Le Mans, Frankreich und haben noch zwei freie Plätze im Rahmen des europäischen Freiwilligendienstes für Kurzentschlossene!

Ziel des Projekts ist es, Jugendliche in einer sehr ländlichen Gegend für Europa zu begeistern und ihnen spielerisch etwas interkulturelle Offenheit mitzugeben.

Alles ist erklärt in dem Infopack auf unserer Website :

Es ist ein bisschen last minute, weil es schon am 4. Oktober losgeht. Habt ihr vielleicht junge Leute zwischen 18 und 30, die Lust haben auf ein Jahr europäischen Freiwilligendienst in Frankreich?

Gerne gesehen sind Profil mit einem Interesse an Sport und/oder Natur/Landleben mit einer Basis Französischkenntnissen und, ganz wichtig, Führerschein.

Ich stehe Ihnen bei Fragen jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Herzliche Grüsse

Louisa Guy



Louisa Guy / Chargée d’animations et de projets

Maison de l'Europe Le Mans-Sarthe

Centre d'information Europe Direct

1 rue Hippolyte Lecornué - 72000 Le Mans

+33 (0)2 43 29 38 34

Donnez votre avis sur les services du Centre d’Information Europe Direct

[09.09.2021] international mobilities for youth

Dear colleague,


We are a Youth Information Center located in eastern France, involved in international mobilities for youth.

We would be very grateful if you could disseminate the following information to your partners and professional relationships.

We mostly act under vocational mobilities, and are committed to collaborating for volunteers such as ESC.


We are active as intermediary for schools and organizations that wish to offer their participants and students the opportunity to benefit from a traineeship experience abroad (KA1 for Erasmus+).

We take care of every aspect of mobility projects : internship activities and tutoring, accomodation, French language class, and cultural opportunities.

Please get more information about us with the enclosed document.

We would be pleased to speak about a potential collaboration on phone or by visio conference.

We are at your disposal should you have any questions.

Best regards,


Delphine Issartel

International youth mobility manager / Eurodesk Center


Info Jeunes Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - France

+33 (0)3 81 21 16 13 -

  27 rue de la République, FR 25000 - Besançon


Download document

[09.09.2021] Partner research (France)

Dear colleague,

We are a Youth Information Center located in eastern France, involved in international mobilities for youth.

We would be very grateful if you could disseminate the following information to your partners and professional relationships.

We mostly act under vocational mobilities, and are committed to collaborating for volunteers such as ESC.

We are active as intermediary for schools and organizations that wish to offer their participants and students the opportunity to benefit from a traineeship experience abroad (KA1 for Erasmus+).

We take care of every aspect of mobility projects : internship activities and tutoring, accomodation, French language class, and cultural opportunities.

We would be pleased to speak about a potential collaboration on phone or by visio conference.

We are at your disposal should you have any questions.

Best regards,


Delphine Issartel

International youth mobility manager / Eurodesk Center


Info Jeunes Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - France

+33 (0)3 81 21 16 13 -

  27 rue de la République, FR 25000 - Besançon

[28.08.2021] ESC Opportunity in Vichy (France) - 1 volunteer needed

Dear colleagues,

I would like to ask you whether you're interested in cooperation as a Sending Organization and share the offer of our opportunity :

Our Youth Information Center, based in Vichy (FRANCE), is looking for an ESC volunteer from september 2021 to august 2022. The volunteer will be an European mobility ambassador on our territory by leading animations and events in schools, highschools, social centers, social medias, etc., thus conveying the value of interculturality.
(You can find the complete description of the structure, the mission and "technic" questions in the file attached).

  • If you know someone who could be interested in this project, please ask him/her to send an application at with a CV and a motivation letter.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and please, share this call !

Thank you for your help !

Kind regards


Download Flyer

[27.08.2021] Call for participants - 1 ESC volunteer in France

Dear Eurodesk colleagues,

One of our local partners (not us and you're not the coordinating organisation) is looking for 1 ESC volunteer from November 2021 to June 2022 (8 months), in Isle (city near Limoges in France). This project has been accepted by the French national agency.

Some information :

  • Coordinating and Host organisation : Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Association of Twin Towns of Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
  • Activities: twinning, European and International cooperation, mobility, youth, citizenship, intercultural dialogue
  • Activity dates : from 1st November 2021 to 30th June 2022 (8 months)
  • Volunteer's from : EU-program countries, Norway and Iceland

Please find attached more details about the project, and also on the ESC platform :

The candidates have to send cover letter and CV in French or English directly to our partner at by 20 September 2021.


Best regards.




Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Site de Limoges

Regional Youth Information Centre of Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Office of Limoges


+33 5 55 10 60 93 (office)

+33 6 46 37 89 48 (mobile)


Download Offer

[06.08.2021] Discover chess with ESC European Solidarity Corps

Dear Eurodesk colleagues,


Europian Solidarity Corps;
Place: Turkey / Siirt
Beginning date of the project;
September 1 - October 29
Number of Volunteers: 4
Anyone between the ages of 18 to 30 are able to apply.
All the volunteers who would like to apply have to send their CV and motivation letter to on August 20th 2021 at 11:59 pm at the latest.
Information Pack;

Kind regards,




Abduusselam YILMAZ

Eurodesk İrtibat Kişisi

Cedid Derneği

TEL :+09 542 781 13 95

veysel karani mahallesi sanayi sitesi 1994/3 Sok :25 Siirt-Turkey


Download Infopack

[03.08.2021] ESC OPPORTUNITY CALL - 1 year in Bydgoszcz (PL)

we received an ESC call from a Polish organisation WIATRAK. I'd be grateful if you could share it with the young people from your country:



  • Helping disabled people at the „Workshop Therapy Center” of „Wiatrak” Foundation,
  • Assisting seniors at the Senior Club and Day Care Center „Pinokio”,
  • Supporting teachers at the kindergarten „U Karolka” and kindergarten „Under the Pines”,
  • Helping at the Catholic Culture Center – CKK „Wiatrak”.


Start: September 2021


You'll find an infopack below.


Have a nice day,


Eurodesk Poland


Download Infopack